Anything to help the team

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There was a moment of silence before my dad spoke, his voice gentle and understanding, "Ellie, we love you no matter what. Just because you have feelings for someone of the same gender it doesn't change anything."

My mom nodded, her eyes teary, "Yes, sweetie. We love you and we accept you for who you are."

I sighed, feeling a wave of relief wash over me. Brian patted my back and gave me a small smile, "You're still you, Ellie. Nothing changes that." I smiled and nodded, feeling so grateful for my family. I looked around the table and saw everyone smiling at me, except for Bruce. He looked at me with a look that could kill and I felt a wave of anger wash over me. I clenched my fists, my jaw tightening.

"What's your problem, Bruce?" I asked, my voice cold. Bruce looked away, his face full of anger, "Nothing, Ellie. I'm just not sure if I agree with this lifestyle."

Dad sighed, shaking his head, "Bruce, that's enough. We love and accept Ellie no matter what." I looked at my dad and smiled, feeling so thankful for his acceptance. Bruce just rolled his eyes, but I ignored him, and continued eating. After dinner, I went up to my room and laid on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. I still couldn't believe that I had finally come out to my family, and they had accepted me, except for Bruce. I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders and I could finally be true to myself. I heard a knock on my door and Jenny poked her head in, "Hey," she said softly. "Can I come in?"

"Of course." I said, sitting up on the bed. Jenny walked in the room with Terry in her arms and sat down next to me, "So, how are you feeling?" She asked, her voice gentle.

I sighed, "Better, I guess. I'm just relieved that I finally said it out loud and got it off my chest. I'm just upset that Bruce didn't understand."

Jenny nodded, "I know, but you can't change how he feels. You just have to ignore him and not take it personally."

"Yeah, I know. I just wish he could accept me."

"It's okay, Ellie. You'll get there. Just give him time." I looked down at Terry, who was sound asleep. "Do you want to hold him?" Jenny asked, and I nodded as she handed Terry to me. I smiled and took Terry in my arms, feeling so relieved. Here I was, holding my nephew, and he looked so cute and I smiled and leaned down to kiss Terry's forehead. Terry has pretty much the same features as Jenny, the same eyes and nose. "Looks just like you, sis." I said, smiling.

Jenny smiled and nodded, "Yeah, he does. I'm so lucky."

"You and Dave are." I said, looking up to meet Jenny's eyes. "You're both amazing parents."

She smiled and hugged me, "Thank you, Ellie. I'm so happy you're here with us. We love you so much."

"I love you too." I said, hugging her back.

We stayed like that for a few minutes before Terry opened his brown eyes and started to fuss. "I think it's time to put him to bed." Jenny said, standing up and taking Terry from me.

"Alright. You need any help?" I asked, standing up.

Jenny shook her head, "No, it's okay. I got it. You just take it easy, okay? I know you've been through a lot."

"Okay, I will. Goodnight, Jenny."

"Goodnight, Ellie." She said, as she left the room.

I sighed and laid back down on the bed, only to hear another knock on my door. "Come in." I said and my door opened, it was Ken, Rick, Brian, Keith, Peter, along with both Georgia and Alice. They all walked in and closed the door, all of them cramming together to sit on my bed around me. It was like the whole circus was rolling in.

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