Can I kiss you?

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Jenny's POV

Tonight we're doing a house show and I've been booked on the card. I'll be going out there in my normal gimmick, not the Blue Bolt one, and I'm facing Zelina Vega, who is transitioning from being a manager to a wrestler.

I got dressed in my ring gear and headed down to the ring, ready to go out there and show what I can do. I stepped out from the curtains and the crowd applauded, and I smiled and made my way to the ring and stepped in, and the referee checked me for any foreign objects. I shook my head, showing that I had none, and the referee nodded before ringing the bell. Zelina had started on offense, calling the shots and I was doing my best to keep up. I blocked her punches and countered with a few of my own, and I noticed she was being stiff with her moves. "Calm down," I said as I whipped her into the ropes.

"I'm nervous," She responded as she bounced off the ropes and ran towards me, and I blocked her move and countered with a dropkick. I then decided to wrestle her, "Lock up," I called and we both locked up in a collar and elbow tie up. I started putting her in and out of holds, undoing the laces on one of her boots in the process. After that, I hit a snapmare and put her in a chinlock, "Look down at your boot." I said quietly, and she did before tucking the laces in.

I smiled and released the chinlock, and put her in more holds, and undone her other boot. I put her in a chin lock again, 'Look at your other boot." I said, and she looked down for a moment before tucking the laces in. I then released the chinlock and we wrestled for a few more minutes, and I united the referee's laces without him or anyone knowing then hit another snapmare and put her in another chinlock, "Look at the referee." I said, and she looked at him and started giggling.

"Are you relaxed now? I asked, and she nodded.

"Yeah, I am."

"Let's go wrestle then." I said, and we both got back up and continued the match. I pulled off a frog splash, and then put her in a spinning toe hold. She tapped out, and I won the match. I rolled out the ring and walked back through the curtain, straight to the back. I was exhausted, but I felt great. Bring on next month's pay-per-view, I thought to myself as I walked back.


Ellie's POV

I walked into the locker room, the smell of sweat and cleaning products filling my nostrils. I made my way over to Kelley's locker and sat down next to her, the metal bench cold against my skin. "Kelley," she said, breaking the silence, "You and Sonnett, huh?" Kelley sat back in her chair and let out a sigh, her eyes fixed on the floor. "Nothing is going on between us, we're just friends," she said in a low voice. I raised an eyebrow, "You sure about that? I mean, you two have been spending a lot of time together."

Kelley nodded, "We have, but it's nothing like that. We're just friends. Besides, I don't even know if she likes girls."

I smirked, "You sure about that? I mean, she seems to be interested in you."

Kelley sighed again, "I don't know, maybe. I mean, I guess it's possible. But I don't want to jump to conclusions or anything."

"Well, I've got someone who you may like. Are you busy tonight?" I asked. Kelley looked up at me, surprise etched on her face. "No. Why?"

"I'm setting up a date. You know that fancy restaurant downtown? I've got someone who's willing to meet you. She's really lovely, and I think you'll like her," I said with a smile.

Kelley's face lit up, "Really? You'd do that for me?"

"Of course." I stood up and turned to face her, "Before I forget. Dress up nice, she likes that. And don't be late." I winked before walking out the door, leaving Kelley alone in the locker room.


Kelley's POV

My nerves were getting the best of me as I got ready for my date. I stepped out of the shower, the warm water still lingering on my skin. I took a deep breath and looked at myself in the mirror, smoothing out my dress and checking my makeup. I grabbed my purse and headed out the door, my heart racing with anticipation.

As I arrived at the restaurant, the smell of delicious food filled my nostrils. I looked around and saw Emily sitting at a table by herself, looking stunning in a nice dress. My heart skipped a beat as Emily motioned for me to come over. "Emily, what're you doing here?" I asked, and Emily just smiled.

"I should be asking you the same thing. Wait." She looked around. "I can't believe they pulled it off. I thought they were just joking."

"Ellie and Kayla? Ellie said she had someone who would be perfect for me," I said, and Emily nodded her head.

"Kayla told me the same thing," She said with a smile. "Oh well, here we are."

We talked for hours, our conversation flowing effortlessly. The soft music and dim lighting in the restaurant set the perfect mood. I found myself getting lost in her eyes, the way they crinkled when she laughed, the way they sparkled when she talked about something she was passionate about. I felt a deep connection with her, and I knew that this was more than just friendship.

As we ate their food, my heart raced, and I felt a warm sensation spread throughout my body. The way her lips moved as she talked made me want to kiss her, and I could barely contain her excitement. I reached across the table and grabbed her hand, causing her to stop mid-sentence. We looked at each other for a moment, and I smiled before we continued eating. The environment here in this restaurant was something that I had never experienced before, there were butterflies in my stomach and I felt as if I was on top of the world.

When the night was over and we were saying goodbye, I took a deep breath and looked into her eyes, and I figured I'll be bold and risk it, "Can I kiss you?" I asked, and she smiled and nodded. We leaned in and kissed, and, for a moment, everything else around us disappeared. When we pulled away, I was almost certain that I had just fallen in love


"Nice one, Pinoe!" I exclaimed as we celebrated Megan's goal against England. She got swarmed nearly in an instant before we all ran back to reset.

This international break is our last one before the World Cup next month. All of us are playing hard since we're all vying for a spot on the roster. I know some of us have our spots locked down, but for the rest of the players, it was do or die time.

I looked over at Sonnett and she gave me a small grin and a quick wink as the referee blew her whistle. I couldn't help but smile as the game resumed. I really have to thank Kayla and Ellie for getting us together.

Tobin had the ball and a rare occurrence happened when Ellie ran right up the center, called for a pass and took a shot towards the net, which flew past the keeper. The crowd cheered as Ellie did a knee slide and fell forward face first. After a few seconds, she stood up with a big smile on her face and we reset.

If one thing is certain, it's that Ellie definitely has her spot locked in.

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