Once I walk in, I see Kurt sitting on the toilet injecting heroin in him. I just wanted to cry. I saw as his eyes slowly started to close.

"Sh*t" I say. I've never seen someone take heroin before and it was the most scariest thing I've ever seen before.

His eyes quickly shot open right away. I quickly closed the bathroom door and walked into the kitchen and pretended to see nothing. I drained the water from the pot and put the milk and powdered cheese in a pot while mixing it. I just needed a smoke quickly. I found a cigarette on the counter and I used to stove to light it. While I stirred it a little more, I exhaled while closing my eyes replaying what happened right now. I put the cigarette in my mouth while closing my lips so I could use both my hands to pour the mac n cheese in two bowls adding two spoons. I place the bowls on the glass coffee table and turn on the t.v. I just put it on nickelodeon because I used to watch it when I was younger but know that its the 90's the shows are way better.

I see Kurt slowly walking into the living room from the bathroom. I just don't look at him because I don't want to know how bad he looks right now. I slouch more into the couch while putting my feet on the table while holding the bowl close to my chest and eating it. I just glue my eyes to the t.v.

"Thanks." he says. He grabs the bowl and does the same as me except for gluing his eyes to the t.v. I glance at him to see him scratching his arm while eating.

"Theres no bugs on you." I say to him a little harshly, knowing thats one of the side affects of heroin.

"How do you not feel them?" he genuinely asks me. I roll my eyes. Its really sad and pathetic. I ignore what he just says because theres no use to say anything, he won't be able to get it. He puts his guitar down and starts playing it. He just starts singing.

"No one has really heard this song I just made it. I call it Something In The Way." he says. I listen to him singing but don't look at him, but I can tell he was really trying. I just wanted to cry it was really sad and it reminded me when we were younger. It started to hurt when I swallowed. It always happens when I'm about to cry. I look at him and his eyes are closed as he is singing. Once he finishes I sit back next to him.

"Thats was amazing." I said to him. He smiled, I looked at his perfect teeth.

"Really?" he asks. I just nod my head because I'm still upset about catching him in the bathroom. He gets up, but when he does he stumbles and falls face first on the ground.

"Owww f*ck" he yells loudly into the carpet since his face was, you know, in the carpet. I felt bad for him, but at the same time I didn't want to help him. It sounded kind of emotionless since his brain is messed up right now because of the heroin.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Help me up" he yells into the carpet while starting to cry randomly. No wonder why this drug is illegal.

I put my bowl in the sink and go to help him up. I wrap his arms around my neck/shoulder as I wrap mine around his waist. It wasn't extremely hard to carry him to his room but it was hard.

"You should just go to sleep" I tell him. He just nods his head as he lays in the bed. I take his shoes off first, then his socks. then his shirt, and then his denim holy pants. I just threw them on the floor and then put his red plaid pajama pants on him.

"Do you want a shirt?" I ask. He shakes his head no. He then sits up and I brush his hair and he lays back down after. It was pretty late so I decided to go to bed also. I took my skirt off and heels and my shirt. I felt Kurt staring at me. This is actually the first time he's seen me in my bra and thong. Well maybe second because when we were in junior year he snuck into my room and we made out but he only took my shirt off, but had to leave because we heard my mom knocking on the door asking if I was sleeping yet. I find a big white shirt in his closet that had this little alien on it that said Hi How Are You and put it on me. I crawled by his side and kissed his cheek.

"Goodnight" I say to him and as I was about to walk out of the room until he said,"You can stay here"

I give him a warm smile and lay next to him as we were both laying on our backs, our hands next to each other facing the ceiling. I then feel his hand intertwine our fingers together. He then brings his hand to his lips and kisses it. He's so romantic and sweet. I love him.

"Your the best thing that has ever happened to my life." he says.

"No your the best thing that has ever happened to my life." he then smiles at me.

"More like worst." He says with frown.

"No your the best thing." I say to him and kiss his cheek.

"I love you." he says.

"I love you too." I say to him which was 100% true.

"Do you promise to love me forever?" he asks me sitting up looking into my eyes.

"Yes, only if you promise to love me forever." I say to him.

"I will I promise." he says to me almost about to cry. I swear to god this boy kills me, he's so sensitive its cute but still a little annoying but whatever.

He then french kisses me and I kiss back.

"i love you even if your messed up on heroin." I say to him with a smile. He gives me a little smile back.

"I love you too even while I'm on heroin." he says to me and I laugh because he is.

We then fall asleep, but I wake back up around 1:30am. I walk into the kitchen only to see Dave messing around with this girl, I scream because i was just surprised and grossed out. I mean Dave is cute and whatever but it was still gross because it was on the couch. Kurt runs out of the room and just laughs along with Dave as I cover my eyes with my hands.

"Why did you even leave the room in the first place?" Kurt asks me while trying to hold in his laughter as I still cover my eyes.

"I wanted some water." I say to him.

"You can look now." the girls says. I open my eyes and the girl happened to be Lindsey from high school who was a b*tch to me for no reason. Once she sees my face her smile disappears and so does mine. I scream and jump on her, knocking her to the ground for what she did to me in high school.

"I hate you, you f*cking b*tch!" I scream in her face while slapping her as I was on top of her. Dave and Kurt looked confused.

"You were a slut and a freak and still are." she spats in my face.

"I haven't even had sex yet you moron, and who cares if I'm a freak, look who's life is better than yours." I spat back in her face.

"Really your freaking boyfriend is addicted to heroin and you got beat up by Axl." she spats with venom.

"Hes not addicted" I scream at her. I then scratch her cheek really hard, peeling a little bit of skin but not a lot were it bleeds.

Dave pulls us apart after that.

"Whats going on? How do you guys know each other?" Kurt asks me. I try to control myself but I can't.

"She's the girl that ruined our middle school and high school." I scream while furrowing my eyebrows because I'm getting so mad.

"Which one? Everyone was mean to us?" he says.

"She's Lindsey. She's the one that would always call us Freak 1 and Freak 2 and would throw me into the lockers and would pretend to choke me in the bathroom, calling me names and making every girl not want to be my friend." I scream at him.

"Calm down" Dave says to me.

"So your Lindsey?" Kurt asks her sweetly while sounding like a psychopath and cocking his neck to the side with a huge smile.

"Yeah" she says confidently.

"Well get the f*ck out." Kurt screamed at her and then spit at her face. She screamed and ran outside the door.

"Sorry Dave" Kurt said to him and Dave laughed.

"Man it's fine man" Dave said with a super 70's voice and we all laughed.

We then all went to bed.

Kurt Was My LoverWhere stories live. Discover now