Poison Ivy

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There's plenty of upside to being the spawn of the fabulously wealthy, but the downside, super successful parents expect nothing less from their offspring and when it comes to college that means the Ivy's. It's more than just getting into college. It's setting a course for the rest of your life and for those few who aren't legacies, the pressures are no less. When parents have sacrificed for their children's future, what kid would want to let them down?

     "Good morning, students. I ask all of you to show a little sympathy for our junior class. They are almost through with Ivy Week," The teacher said as students in the crowd looked exhausted. "As is our long standing tradition, the Constance Billiard girls will be in charge of Friday night's mixer and the St. Jude's boys will provide the ushers for the visiting representatives." The male teacher reminded the girls. "Meet up to decided?" Blair mouthed to Madeleine in return she smiled and nodded. "For those of you dreaming of attending an Ivy League school this mixer is the most important event of your life. But no pressure." Madeleine rolled here eyes there was extreme pressure. This one choice she makes as a child would dictate the rest of her life. 

     Madeleine, Blair and the minions all played Field Hockey with the rest of the class, Serena tried to explain her self "Look I made a mistake with Nate ok, but you sabotaged me with Dan. We don't have to be friends-" Blair decided to slam her stick into Serena's shin. Normally Madeleine wouldn't care but being competitive, this wasn't good for the team.

      several cards later it came to a head when Serena took a chance to block the puck and shove Blair to the ground, Madeleine rolled here eyes at the two girls fought leading to Blair screaming "Get off of me!"   

     "Hey, can we actually play the game?" Madeleine asked "How can you condone this M?" Serena asked shocked "Serena you slept with her boyfriend, if it were me I would be ten times worse." Madeleine said helping Blair up "We've actually come to physical blows, truce?" Serena asked turning her attention to Blair and she cried out and clung to Maddy burying her head into her should fake crying ,"I hope it's broken" Serena rolled her eyes

Hey Upper East Siders. We hear that World war Three just broke out and it's wearing knee socks. Choose your side or run and hide. We have a feeling that this one is to the death

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     Madeleine left class and saw the Princeton Rep leaving and coincidentally her wallet had fallen out her purse, Madeleine saw this as an opportunity to meet her before the event. "Excuse me ma'am? You dropped this!" Madeleine said picking up wallet and dusting it off. "Well thank you?" The rep trailed off "Madeleine Bass, I'm actually interested in your college." she said hoping it didn't sound too forward. "Well why are you interested in Princeton?" the Lady asked "I've been dreaming of Princeton since I could imagine, my Father said that my Mother actually went to Princeton and if i could get into Princeton I would get the education of my dreams and feel closer to my Mother" Madeleine fluttered her eyes making it well with tears to hopefully tug on the reps heart strings. "I'll keep you in mind and look forward to seeing you tomorrow" the rep said.

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     Madeleine and Blair sat at a cafe with papers spread across the table "So...What are we thinking?" Madeleine asked "I came across this place, it's called the Ostroff center and it helps teens with drug and alcohol issues" Blair said doing her best to give a genuine smile "Okay I will write the speech and we should be good to go." Madeleine said pulling out her notebook.

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