Snow slowed her pace so she was next to Moon, "Do you know what it means?" Snow asked.

"I think the kin means us," Moon started, "But I'm not sure what the elements mean, or when the time is right, or what the power of spirits are-" Moon stopped,"There are just so many things we don't know," Moon sighed.

"It's ok, prophecies are only clear when it happens," Snow comforted,"But right now let's go home."

Snow and Moon padded in silence."There! Look! That's Snowflake!" Moon shouted. Snow's head shot up as she spotted a white pelt.

"Snowflake!" Snow howled with joy as she pounded closer and leaped on Snow. Joyously, Snowflake leaped up,"I'm so happy to see you! The others were worried sick, but Pine said you would be back," Snowflake reported,"But nevermind that, where were you for the past two days?"

Moon and Snow exchanged glances,"I think the pack should hear about this," Moon commented.

The wolves padded back to their den and were greeted by howls of joy,"Snow and Moon are back!" Pine called,"Where were you? We thought you died!" Pine said with relief,"Turns out that without their leader, these wolves are almost impossible to keep under control, I'll happily lend the leading back to you."

Snow woofed in laughter,"Yeah, they sure are, but first, let's tell you how we got lost."

Snow and Moon laid side-by-side next to each other,"I was wandering outside of the cage one day, because I wanted to find some herbs," Moon started, "Fortunately, I did, there was this plant called feverfew-" Snow shoved him lightly. Moon stopped and looked sheepish,"But in the end, I saw a meadow that I thought could be our home, so I went back and got Snow," Moon continued as the listening wolves perked up a bit, "After I did, we set off. A few moments later, we got attacked by this random wolf so we got off-track," Moon continued.

"Attacked?" Icicle repeated nervously.

"It's ok," Moon comforted,"We were fine, anyways, we escaped but after that, we didn't know where we were, so we spent the night there."

Snow nodded,"After that, Moon saw a tree that he thought was a landmark he remembered on the way to the meadow, and fortunately, it was!" The group's mood lightened and Snow continued, "But the tree was so far away, so after we got there, we had to spend the night again," Snow paused and took a breath, "After we knew where we were, we came back and spotted Snowflake," Snow finished. The group was silent.

"Now what?" Snake asked. Snow opened her mouth but was interrupted by Moon.

"Now I need a meal!" He remarked. Snow closed her mouth and realized she was starving. When was the last time I ate? Snow looked around and saw a prey pile.

"Is it ok if we take some prey?" Snow asked.

"Of course! Take some," Icicle encouraged. Padding over to the pile, Snow sank her teeth into a still-warm sparrow and took it to the corner to eat. Tearing off a piece of the belly, Snow chewed and swallowed. Immediately, she felt warmer. Was I cold for the whole time?

Finishing the sparrow, Snow licked her chops and padded to Moon,"How about we go find the meadow again?" Moon looked at Snow skeptically, "Together, as a group," Snow added.

Moon woofed in laughter, "I'm in."

"Calling all wolves!" Snow called,"I really need to work on a cool sentence for this," Snow added quietly so only Moon could hear. Moon woofed in amusement.

"Moon and I discussed that we leave for the meadow that we could possibly call home, as a group, and we wanted to ask you if you were up for it," Snow started.

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