111 - (Until Now - Edition)

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I am trying to follow the right path
I keep seeing one, one, one
But I've never been that good at math
And I do not know where to start.
The Angels tell me to listen to my heart
I am trying to fit into the script and play the part
And I feel as if it is never enough.
I am trying to heal while trusting the process
Still I wish I made more progress
I am trying to follow the right path
But if I close the door
And leave behind all I ever known
Am I really moving forward
Or am I forgetting who I was before?
If I move on and cross the line
How do I know if I'm on the right side?
There is a plot twist in every story
And in this one, I am the main character.
I am healing, still trusting the process.
I am evolving, still trusting my instinct
And still listening to the beat of my heart
'Cause I'm a white butterfly, looking for the sun
And the person who can save me is only one.
Now I know, I am more than enough.

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