The Cat (Dr. Suess)

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Thing 1 carries Thing 2's bloodied corpse on his back

Tw: Violence, Death, Suicide, Short

The cold air of the night whistled quietly through the trees, snow fell quietly, covering the thin bloody trail left in the mud. The moon reflected off the thin layer of snow coating the ground, giving the forest a beautiful glow with a dim light.

Thing 1 trudged through the marshy woods, the blood shining off his brothers corpse glistened in the bright full moon. He felt the crimson continue to seep down his back, his cheeks where almost a matching color from the cold, his back hurt, blood and mud seeped into his clothes and shoes. He trudged through the snow, hoping the Cat wasn't behind them, stalking them like mice. He didn't have the energy to turn around, his last bit of energy where put into moving his legs, one after the other. Right. Left. Right. Left. Eventually he heard a the sound of trickling water, collapsing on his knees just before reaching the water. His throat was dry like the sharp air, despite the snow. Every limb ached, hunger gnawed into his stomach like a rabid animal.

Thing 1 laid his brother on the ground, facing towards the sky, it had been not long after rigor mortis had worn off into the second relaxation period. His body had gone through almost all the stages of death yet was somehow still dripping blood, it all felt like the sick game that it was. His body still involuntarily twitched causing him to be dropped at times, making his body more bruised then it was when he had been murdered by the Cat. Thing 1 rolled over next to Thing 2, his blue hair had little snowflakes dotted, looking like a clear sky with stars. His red, torn, onesie had cold snow deep into the holes, he as already numb so he barely noticed.

So this was how he was going to die.

He had always known this day was near.

He has thought of this concept his whole life.

He stared up at the sky, his mutilated brother just as cold as he was. His lifeless eyes stared up into the abyss, almost colorless.

He didn't die that night, to his dismay. But thankfully had not gotten caught. The sun hit the laying of snow over both of them, waking Thing 1. He slowly got up and dragged Thing 2's body over to the stream he had heard during the night. He splashed his face with the frigid, slushy water and scrubbing his hands before choking down water.

He had nothing left to live for.

Thing 1 drowned himself in that lake that morning, only to be found by the Cat late afternoon, and disposed of late that night.

Their replacements where naive, small, and complied to the Cat without question. But it was only a matter of time.


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