Small surroundings

Start from the beginning

Willow: "Very."


(Y/N): "Since we might not be leaving wherever we are for a while, Willow and Hoops can you two go find a good place for us to set up a 'camp'? And while yall are doing that I'm gonna check for any dangers nearby."

Hoops: "S-Sure (Y/N)! (OH my God he's so hottt!)"

Willow: "Sure (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Thanks you two."

As our boy (Y/N) wanders from the research tent, he stumbles across some odd machine. Upon closer inspection he sees the inscription 'Spac.r'.

(Y/N): "The hell is this thing? HEY HOOPS, PETE, MAX, WILLOW COME HERE!"

Our four other protagonists arrive to where they heard (Y/N) shouting.

Hoops: "Did something happen (Y/N)? Are you alright?"

Max: "What's up (Y/N), you called?"

Pete: "What's this machine? It's like the size of a bathroom scale."

Willow: "I think we should see what it does. Max go stand in the middle while I press the button."

Max: "What? No! Have Pete do it!"

Pete: "Why me??"

Max: "I'm just kidding Pete."

(Y/N): "I'll press the button."

And as you go closer to the button, anticipation builds as you go to press the button, fear starts to brew inside you as you get closer to the button. As you finally press it you brace as....

Nothing happens.

Pete: "I think it needs all 3 of those lasers to function."

(Y/N): "Yeah I think so too."

Max: "I'll chop down the grass in the way."

Max then chops down the blade of grass in the way.

Hoops: "OK then let's go fix the other laser."

The 5 teens arrive at the flashing laser and see some red insects.

Willow: "OH great. Small red potentially deadly insects."

(Y/N): "Give me a weapon I'll deal with them."

Pete hands (Y/N) a spear and he approaches the lawn mites. One jumps at him as he stabs it mid-air and uses it to smack the other mite nearby.

(Willow: Y/N is so damn hot! Is it wrong to want him to rail me harder then he beat that mite?)

(Y/N) kills some more of the mites as one catches him by surprise and scratches his arm. He throws the spear at another mite in the distance and steps on the one that lunged at him. Seeing no more mites in the area he inspects the wound on his arm.

Max: "Yo (Y/N) you alright?"

(Y/N): "Yeah I'm fine. Just a little wound. Does anyone have a bandage?"

Pete: "Here you go (Y/N), made this out of some sap and part of a grass blade."

(Y/N): "Thanks Pete, did you use that analyzer thing?"

Max: "Yeah we did, it has a limited number of charges though."

Willow: "So we can't use that one anymore?"

Pete: "No they recharge."

Hoops: "So we can use it as much as we want? Cool."

(Y/N): "Looks like we need to head into this little cave. Anyone got a light?"

Pete: "We also made a torch."

(Y/N): "Cool let's go, I want to get out of her ASAP."

They head into the little cave and kill some more mites. At the back of the cave they reach a pebble blockade, but that's solved by some swings by a peblett hammer. They reach the back of the cave and encounter some quartzite. Although they can't use it now it seems useful to have. They also find and abandoned SCA.B. They exit the cave and return to the mysterious machine.

(Y/N): "Let's hope this works.."

Pete: "I think we shouldn't go on that platform in the middle just yet."

Hoops: "I agree."

(Y/N) presses the button as some pinkish energy goes behind the oak tree and an explosion is heard.

Willow: "What the hell was that?"

Max: "I don't know but I don't think we should check it out just yet."

(Y/N): "It is getting pretty late, I suppose we should find shelter."

Hoops: "Don't worry (Y/N)!, Willow and I found a spot under a leaf!"

(My favorite build spot btw, I'll provide a map if enough people ask)

Our protagonists went over to the location Willow and Hoops picked out. When they reached the leaf that was leaning on a rock, they constructed a couple lean-to's and made a campfire. (Y/N) hunted down some weevils and aphids so his group could eat.

(Y/N): "Here you go guys, hope yall don't mind eating bugs, seeing as we're gonna be here a while."

Willow: "Great. I get to eat bugs for the rest of my tiny life."

Hoops: "Don't be so down Willow, they might taste good!"

The group of tiniees sit down to eat some roasted aphids and weevils. They smack down some dew from the grass and go to sleep.

Time skip, 1:00 am

Willow and Hoops are laying down unable to sleep, they look over at (Y/N) who is awake making sure nothing attacks the group.

Willow: "(Y/NNNN) come lay down with meee, I can't sleep."

Hoops: "No (Y/N) lay with me, I want to lay down with you!"

(Y/N): "Sorry to disappoint ladies, but I don't want anything attacking us. And If you can't share then both of you won't have me."

Hoops: "Finee. But we want you to lay down with us or we won't sleep."

Willow: "Yeah, what Ally said. I'm sure we'll be fine."

(Y/N): "Fine. I'll come lay down. You two need sleep."

(Y/N) lays down between the two girls and closes his eyes, preparing to sleep.
The last thing on his mind as he falls asleep is (I hope we're able to get out of here)

(A/N, and that's chapter 1 done! Let me know what you think of this chapter and anything I should change. This is Dollarstoregamer signing off. Word count is 1487 words.)

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