Shocking News

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I sat on the bench scrolling mindlessly through my phone as Miss. Kate moved on the court, furiously blowing her whistle to control the dodgeball match. It was two days to Valentine's and I was thinking of a gift to give Karla but I couldn't come up with any just yet, my competition was now a month away and the SAT's even closer.

I heard a group of people sneer towards me - it was my dodgeball team. They were losing and of course, they blamed me since I was the cursed one who always made his team lose.

"You'd think he'd get the message and skip P.E. class."

One of them scoffed. "He should at least have some pity and stop sucking the fun out of everything."

I clenched my phone and bit my lower lip, battling within me whether to confront them. After all, they did nothing to help but shout at me.

I turned to face them but immediately lost my courage. I had gotten better at asking questions in class but I still sucked at at talking to my fellow teenagers who I considered even more dangerous than snakes.

I was getting ready to turn back to my original position as naturally as possible when I saw some of them get hit by balls. I looked up to see Annabelle smirking evilly.

"If you wanna gossip, then you should at least learn from a pro like me first."

Miss.Kate blew hard on her whistle and pointed towards Annabelle. "Annabelle you're on the bench."

Annabelle shrugged and moved towards me and casually sat down. She was the only one in my friends' group who had P.E. in the same period as me.

"Thanks for that." I said.

She just waved her hand dismissively. "Those bitches needed to be taught a lesson anyways."

I laughed but I could already one of the girls who was also popular - Chrissy, whining about her bruised face to her boyfriend. Annabelle suddenly gasped and squealed into the phone and I turned to face her.

"Apparently something's going down in the Chemistry lab. I have to go and check it out." She looked left and right before making her stealthily getaway.

"Talk to you later, and make sure to call if those idiots bother you again." She said slipping out of the door.

I nodded but dug my fingers into my palm. I hated feeling like a damsel in distress but I just felt powerless in front of those jerks.

The bell went and instantly people started to troop out while some came in. I stayed back a little to help Miss. Kate though, since she looked a little overwhelmed. I put the last ball in the shelve and I went toward the locker room to change when I saw Karla talking to Chrissy and her boyfriend - Sean.

"Can you look at what that went did to me?" Chrissy cried out pointing violently to the bright red bump on her forehead.

"Looks like those pieces of shit forgot their place when they started to get closer to you," Sean added looking down at Chrissy.

Karla just stood blankly at them. Sean started losing his cool, stuttering under Karla's cold eyes. Chrissy looked nervously at Karla.

"How are you dating such a twerp." She chimed out.

Chrissy elbowed Sean and he joined in. "You'll probably have to be the one guiding him on what to do in bed."

"Are you done?" Karla asked.

Even I flinched and the level of venom that was packed in such a small sentence. Chrissy though didn't get the hint and tried to speak when Karla stopped her.

"I get why you're mad." She let out a small laugh. "Just a few inches down and you'd finally have an excuse to get that nose job done. Don't worry I'll tell Annabelle to aim better."

Chrissy started to tremble in anger and Sean screamed at Karla. "Are you bullying her, you bitch."

Karla's eyes became even frostier than before. "No am just putting hypocritical bitches in their place."

Chrissy finally lifted her and spoke. "Are you talking about hypocrisy? Didn't you ignore Astro when James was bullying him?"

Karla was taken aback. She was still sensitive over the issue and felt a whole lot of grief up until now. I had stayed on the sidelines for too long and decided to step in.

"It's really none of your business, is it?" I said stepping in front of Karla.

I stared directly into Sean's eyes but Chrissy moved in front of me and stared into my eyes. I nearly recoiled in shock as her now deranged-looking eyes came closer to my face.

"Do you know who I am?" Chrissy said through her teeth.

Clapback mode activated

I walked closer to her and she moved back shocked. "You know, before pulling the 'Do you know who I am' card, you really should consider your standing in your family."

Sean looked like he wanted to beat me up - which he could have totally done - but Chrissy stopped him, unaware of the breed of human she was dealing with.

"Do you want to die socially?" She said venomously.

"I'd have to have a social life then." I said unbothered.

"What about Joy, Jayden, Annabelle, or even Karla? I bet they have social lives." Sean said smirking evilly.

I balled my fists boiling over with anger until Karla laughed and everyone - including me, stood frozen in place with shock. Karla moved over to Chrissy and pinched her face, Sean tried to step in but looked too scared.

"Do you know the thing about popular girls?" Karla said. "They have to maintain that saintly look. But we bad girls have nothing to lose, so don't even dream of messing with my boyfriend or his friends."

Karla let Chrissy go and Sean immediately went to hold her up. Chrissy looked like she was going to explode any minute but just scurried away with Sean.

"Thanks for the support." She said smiling.

I bowed my head ashamed that I had come in only at the last minute. Karla gently lifted my head.

"You stood up for me. That's what mattered." She said.

I smiled and she gave me a peck on the cheek. I blushed hard and rushed out the door with Karla laughing at my behavior.

I pulled my phone out and eyed Joy's chat. Ever since Karla and I had started dating, I tried my best to make sure that I didn't ignore either one. Yet, Joy seemed to be growing distant to the point I had even asked her if it was because of me dating Karla. She denied it though but I didn't believe her. I stomped across the hallway, now in my own clothes as I reached the class for the science club where Joy used to stay sometimes.

I flung the door open fully ready to give Joy an earful.

"So what did you want to tell me?" Annabelle said.

"Wait up. I gotta call Jayden and Astro." Joy said.

I coughed making my presence known.

"Joy why have you been ignoring my messages?" I said gearing my lips.

"Astro, I have a boyfriend."




Hiiiiiiii everyone,

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