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⚠️curse warning⚠️ (just saying)

All blueberries are blue, but not all blue berries are blueberries. (Credit to snorlabxja )

All of these below have been provided by kylie_weasleyxo and I do not own them. Also these are PJ memes, mostly Solangelo.


A god: I will not stand here and be insulted!


Nico: Then stand over there and be insulted I don't give a f*ck


Annabeth (trying to prove a point): So, who here has, at any point of their lives, had a crush on Percy Jackson?

a bunch of campers: *raise hand*

Nico: *hesitantly raises hands*

Will: *raises hand*

Nico: ???????????

Will: Dude, it's Percy Jackson


BOOK 1 vs BOOK 5

Will: I apologise for my boyfriend.

Nico: Could you not-


Nico: Meet my glow in-the-dark boyfriend.

Will: Could you not?


Percy: *holding up a cauliflower in front of Jason* What is this

Jason: ...a cauliflower?

Percy: *showing it to Nico* ok so now you tell me what this is


Nico: *very quietly" ghost broccoli


Percy: is that a hickey?!

Nico: no it's a mosquito bite

*later at the campfire*

Will: hi guys

Percy: hI mOsQiTo


Nico: Questa e tutta colpa tua!!

Percy: I know, I know

Nico: *suprised* you speak Italian?

Percy: no, I just know the phrase "this is all your fault" in every language


Will: what's on your shirt

Nico: oh it's just blood

Will: what do you mean it's JUST blood

Nico: don't worry, it's not my blood

Will: what do you mean it's NOT YOUR BLOOD


Will: hey Nico? Could you do something for me?

Nico: I would literally cover up a murder you comitted, plant my own DNA at the crime scene and take the blane for it if you asked me to

Will: great can you do the dishes

Nico: f*ck you and your dishes



Will: and here is Hades' cabin...

New camper: *sees Nico* who's that boy? He's very handsome

Will: he's Nico, he's my

Nico: boyfriend


Nico: I said it?... OH F*CK I SAID IT


Percy: I put the laughter in manslaughter

Nico: I put the fun in funeral

Will: i put the d in Di Angelo

Frank: *chokes* (along with me)

Apollo: I have never been more proud to call you my son

Nico: you smooth little f*ck



Nico: Will, I...

Will: you what

Nico: ...

Nico: *blurts out* I don't hate you *blushes*

Will: close enough *glomps him in a hug*


Found these whole scrolling through Pinterest


*Taylor Swift's Shake If Off starts to play*

Jason: Will I have something to say say say say say

Jason: Nico Do Angelo is gay gay gay gay gay

Jason: how much longer are you gonna wait wait wait



Jason & Apollo: *high-five and fly off*

Will: *processing what just happened for a solid minute*

Will: NICO


Will: Nico, you...

Nico: I?

Will: Um... You....

Nico: I what?

Will: *nervous af* you make my heart have premature ventricular contractions!


Annabeth: *poking head out of cabin* HE'S SAYING YOU MAKE HIS HEART SKIP A BEAT


Will: I love you

Nico: ...I love you too

Will: No. Seriously. I can't stop thinking about you. My heart starts hurting when you're not around. I can't stop listening to stupid love songs that remind me of you. And I just miss you so much.

Nico: Fine I get it. You want a sandwich

Will: Ilysm babe


Will: I don't tolerate violence

Someone: *hurts Nico*

Will: *heals Nico*

Will: *rolls up his sleeves* forget what I just said


Nico: dad... I'm gay

Hades: I know! You guys are like my OTP!

Hades: *frantically pulls out pictures of Will and Nico and shoves them in his face*



Nico: what

Hades: Solangelo forever!!!

Nico: dad. No.


Hello beautiful people, I am so sorry for not updating in so long and thanks to my Loki Amiga for providing most of this, and of course, snorlabxja for the first one.

I have to go now, bye!


thoughts to snap your mind in half and random memesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon