Chapter 5 - The royal game

Start from the beginning

- Ha! – Amanda yelled when 2662 in anger broke the table.

- Didn't you just lose a game against Cain in two moves? – He replied, to which she has shown him a middle finger and went for another match while he looked at me. – Well... Congratulations... I cannot believe I lost against the Bongcloud...

- I was planning to do something else, but ultimately I went for this

- And what would you do if I went Kd7 at the beginning?

- I would probably win this game even faster. – I spoke with a laugher.

- Screw you dude...

- C'mon, it wasn't too bad. I still have two more games to win though.

- Yeah, sure. Then do me a favour, and play The Fried Liver Attack against 953.

- Why? – I asked before realizing. – Ah, right...

- Good luck, and try not to lose.

He left for another match, while I sat to the table with SCP-953, who was looking at me with a malicious smile. I was playing with white pieces, so I played e4, while she responded with e5. After that we played Nf3, Nc6, Bc4, Nf6, Ng5, d5, exd5, Nxd5, and I sacrificed my knight on f7, in order to force 953 to lose her castling rights. After smiling for a moment, she took the knight with her king and said:

- At least one person knows this opening's theory. But enough of that, I will crush you now.

After making a few more moves, she began playing extremely aggressive, which got me a bit worried, as at one point she put my king in a corner. However, at the same time she had no way to get to me, and I played defensively, which slowly paid off, as she accidentally blundered her queen due to her aggressive play style. It also saved my skin, as I blundered a rook eleven moves earlier. After that, I had a slight advantage, but I was still forced to play defensively for the next twenty moves.

At that point, we began simplifying the position, where I made a big mistake, which ultimately left me with just my king, and 953 with her king and an extra pawn. However, this endgame was a draw, as I have managed to gain an opposition on the rook pawn, which was unable to promote unless I intentionally allowed it to pass next to me. Knowing she couldn't defeat me, we agreed on a draw.

- Not bad... – She spoke with a smile. – You played pretty well, but you need to learn how to simplify properly, as that cost you the victory.

- The queen blunder also cost you the victory. – I replied immediately.

- It was a gambit, not a blunder. – She responded with a laughter.

- Yes, a gambit where you "accidentally" blunder your queen. – I spoke with an accent to the word "accidentally", which made her chuckle.

- Whatever... I will tell you one thing, and consider this as a hint. Cain knows opening theories perfectly. If you choose to play a line, which has an opening theory of 20 moves, he will know exactly how to respond. With the endgames, he wins them almost every single time, so if you somehow want to win, you have to win against him in the middle game.

- Aren't you supposed to help him, and not me? – I asked confused.

- Well, theoretically yes, but he broke a 20 year old bottle of red wine which I had, which pissed me off.

- That makes sense...

- You will pay me back one day, good luck against him.

- Thanks, and good luck too!

I went to the next table, where Cain was sitting with the pieces already set on the board. He started with e4, I responded with d6, which was followed by d4, Nf6, Nc3, g6, f4, Bg7, Nf3 and c5. After Bb5 check, I blocked with Bd7, and he pushed the pawn to e5, which forced me to retreat the knight to g4. I started sweating a little bit as he pushed the pawn to e6, because even though I captured it with fxe6, I knew it was still the theory, and Cain knew it perfectly well, by responding with Ng5. I took the bishop on b5 with my own, and expected him to recapture it, but instead he went for Ne6. Knowing that winning would be rather difficult, I went for Bxd4, allowing him to capture my queen on d8 with his knight. Normally it would have been a blunder, however knowing I probably couldn't win this game, I went for Bf2 check, and Cain had to move the king to d2. After Be3 check he moved his king back to e1, which made me repeat the same sequence of moves two more times, until the game was considered a draw due to threefold repetition of moves.

- Well... – Cain spoke while looking at the board. – Chess played to perfection is always a draw...

- I'd rather take half a point for a draw than risk not getting anything while playing against you Cain. – I replied and shook his hand.

- Fair point. – He agreed with me and looked at the scoreboard. – It looks like you guys won 4,5 to 2 points, so this round is yours.

I went to Amanda, who also just finished her round and looked extremely tired from all those games.

- If anyone else asks me to play chess today, I swear to God I will stick a knife into this person's arm.– She spoke angrily, even though she didn't lose completely like that one D-class, who lost every single game.

- You have won one game and drew another one, it wasn't that bad! – I tried to comfort her.

- I hate chess, and yet, you guys still chose me to play it!

- Tell it to our team...

Suddenly, the entire scoreboard went dark, and all of us looked in the direction of SCP-079, who was furiously overheating the computer.

- 079? – Abel asked him. – What happened to the scoreboard?

- Abel... Please remind me not to trust this chat ever again... – He spoke with anger in his robotic voice.

- What did you do...? – He asked, while I started reading the chat comments, who were laughing at 079.

- One guy sent me something in base 64, and said that it would improve the database's visibility...

- Was it an exploit which removed the database?

- No, it was a normal SQL command, but encoded in base 64... And that command was a fucking ";DROP TABLE*;--", which removed the entire database...

Sigurrós facepalmed and snapped her fingers to bring the database back, before teleporting all of us back into our rooms. Apparently there weren't two sides to this competition, but four. D-class was rivalling with us, while stream chat was trying to troll SCPs as much as possible, while also avoid pushing them too far. This was going to be an interesting competition...

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