"Pull off the sword or else I would let my grip on the cage go and her cage would fall on the ground along with her and probably she might die on the spot death after the rough impact of her head on the floor,"

A sense of helplessness washed over Taehyung as he watched his loved one struggle in the clutches of danger. Reluctantly, he lowered his sword, surrendering to the harsh reality that no other choice remained. His eyes reflected a mix of sorrow and determined anger as he complied with the orders of his enemy, stepping back in a heartbreaking act of submission.

Jungkook's lips automatically curved into a wicked smirk as he saw Taehyung standing still without any weapons. He slowly straightened your cage leading you to land on the surface with a breath of relief.

"That's more like it Taehyung but I never said I would free her-" Jungkook unleashed a flurry of kicks and punches upon Taehyung while holding your cage in his left hand using you as bait for his protection.

Taehyung groans wiping the blood off him and stands up but before he can proceed with a bow Jungkook skillfully employs strategic feints, creating a deceptive dance that leaves Taehyung off-balance. Seizing a crucial moment, Jungkook delivered a punishing strike to the knee, a manifestation of his pent-up hatred.

"It feels so great to watch you getting smacked up by me," he sighs out a breath while adjusting himself and looking at the male wounded with blood staining on the floor.

Bruised and battered, Taehyung fought valiantly to strike back, each attempt met with resistance. However, a chilling realization struck him as he caught sight of his loved one held captive. A steely resolve replaced his defiance, and he willingly absorbed every punch and beating inflicted upon him, choosing to endure the pain rather than endanger the one he held dear.

Taehyung lands on the floor coughing blood while his fist lay flat on the floor supporting him from falling flat on the floor.

Confined within the cage, your eyes, though harbouring a lingering resentment, widened with fear as you helplessly observed the man being brutally beaten. Despite your disdain, an unexpected surge of terror gripped you; you found yourself yearning to escape the role of bait for the enemy.

"Now watch your little human die by my hands," Jungkoom grinned after seizing the opportunity to weaken Taehyung using you as weakness, and since he had unleashed his anger and made him weak he decided to give the worst pain to Taehyung by killing you in front of him.

A chilling scream of fear echoed as Jungkook's grip on your cage loosened, sending you plummeting into the unknown. The cage descended through the air, your panicked cries intermingling with the rush of wind as you helplessly tumbled, clutching the bars of the cage for dear life.

Dread gripped Taehyung's heart as he witnessed the imminent threat to his doll, a primal scream of anger escaping his lips. In an adrenaline-fueled surge, he moved swiftly to rescue both his cherished one, the little human from a perilous fall. Instantly rolled down to catch the cage that was inches from meeting the floor with a rough impact and seizing his fallen sword with a determined resolve, he struck down Jungkook in the back piercing through his heart.

In the aftermath of your near-death ordeal, you gasped, drawing in a breath of relief. The weight of the close call lifted, leaving you momentarily suspended in a moment of gratitude for the precious breaths you could now freely take.

A gasp of shock escaped Jungkook as the sword found its mark, piercing through his heart and drawing forth the crimson tide of life. At that moment, as his breath caught in his throat, his eyes flashed with the intensity of a fading flame, capturing the fleeting essence of his final breath before succumbing to the inevitable embrace of death.

Taehyung took and breath of relief as he looked at the cage, his eyes meeting yours.

"Thank you are safe doll-"

Taehyung watched his doll with a fleeting sense of relief, a faint smile gracing his features. However, the moment of happiness was abruptly shattered as a sharp pain seared through his back. Startled, he turned around to face his assailant, only to be met with the gaze of his long-lost brother, Kim Namjoon whom he had once hunted with the intent to kill.

Chuckling in twisted amusement, Taehyung gazed at Namjoon with biting sarcasm, unable to fathom the unexpected twist of his demise. With a cynical smile, he nonchalantly placed his doll's cage on the table, but before he could grasp the reality of the situation, his brother's stabbing blow left him collapsing to the floor. The slumber of death consumed him, leaving behind a haunting silence that echoed the final act of a tragic tale. His eyes stayed open as the death of the cruel king was absorbed.

You watched in shocked disbelief, a swirl of conflicting emotions engulfing you. Unable to fathom the complex feelings stirred by the death of your once tormentor, who had paradoxically protected you at all costs, you found yourself grappling with an unsettling mix of shock and an unanticipated sense of loss.

A profound sense of greatness and relief washed over Namjoon as he stood amidst the aftermath of his actions. The elimination of the cruel king, who had been the source of torment and enslavement among the people, filled him with a profound satisfaction. The weight lifted from the shoulders of the oppressed, and a newfound hope began to stir in the hearts of those who had long suffered under the tyrant's rule.

"He is dead. Finally,"



There will be an epilogue

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