
"Expelliarmus!", Harry yelled, the wand flew out of Pettigrews hand.

"Stay where you are!"

Pettigrew transformed beside her. She scrambled desperately trying to grab any part of him. Her hand landed on his tail and she gripped it tightly, picking him up into the air. He flailed around in her hands, squeaking desperately.

There was a howl and a low growl from the two fighting animals. The dog was bleeding, there were gashes on his face and torso. They made eye contact for a second before the wolf came back at him. She looked over and Ron, Harry and Hermione. Ron had been hit by Pettigrew and was lying limply on the ground. Harry and Hermione were checking on him, but even from where she was she could see his chest rising and falling.

There was a yelp and a whimpering. The sound of a dog in pain. Harry ran towards the noise, Hermione behind him. She tried to stand up, but both of her hands were occupied trying to hold Pettigrew in her grasp. She now had a proper appreciation for Ron managing to hold Pettigrew still during their entire talk in the shrieking shack.

She wanted to get her wand out of her pocket but it required both hands to keep Pettigrew in her grip.

"OUCH!", Pettigrew had bitten her hand. She let go out of instinct and heard him hit the ground.

"NO!", She could hardly see his tiny form darting about the grass. She thundered after him. No one else was around, if he disappeared they wouldn't be able to prove Sirius was innocent.

She lit her wand and lifted it high chasing the occasional glance of his pink tail or the bald spots on his body were all she had. He was running down towards the forest. They'd reached the edge of it completely out of sight of the castle.

"Stop!", She screamed. Her power hadn't done anything for her today except get her silenced by Lupin.

"Transform!", She yelled. They were inside the forest now, he was more visible darting across the bare dirt.

"Stop!", She screamed. The rat stopped so suddenly she almost stepped on him. She doubled over gasping and looked at the rat on the floor.

It was squeaking and looking around wildly but its four feet seemed unable to leave the ground.

"Transform Pettigrew", she said, pointing her wand at the rat, she didn't know the spell Lupin and Sirius had used to force Peter to transform.

The rat did not move.

"I said - transform."

He shot upwards just like he had back in the shack.

"What have you done?", He gasped, "you - freak - your a freak - you -"

"Shut up", she pointed her wand at him, "we're going to go back up to the castle, and your going to tell them everything you've done, and you'll go to Azkaban for this."

"Don't", he moaned, taking a step towards her, "I c- can tell you what you want to know, Evangaline, anything you want to know - I - I heard you - you spoke about the sounds you hear when the dementors near you - I know - I can tell you."

"Liar", her arm was shaking.

"I know what you are", said Pettigrew, "anyone who knew the Dark Lord before he fell knew what you were - could do. You used to sing - beautiful songs - beautiful girl - singing b - before you could talk."

She didn't say anything.

"Everyone would flock to you, anyone who could hear- they- we - anyone would have done anything for you. You were the Dark Lords prized possession, he took care of you, any -"

Gryffindor Princess and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें