Chapter 75

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Rei, once known as Queen Reina, opened her eyes slowly and found herself in the dungeon of the palace she once called home. She sat up with a groan, feeling like her body was on fire from the inside out. As her senses were returning to her, memories of what occurred also came flooding back.

After the accusations were made by Shaela, she and Ryan were placed in silver shackles and thrown into the dungeon. Based on how she was feeling, she also suspected that they'd been drugged to keep them unconscious. This fact bothered Rei, because there was no reason to keep them unconscious other than to keep them from reaching out to Aislinn.

With a quick glance around the room, Rei saw that Ryan was in the same cell as her and was still unconscious. Additionally, she saw a bored-looking guard was ignoring her and reading a book. So, she decided to check on Aislinn first, since she suspected that's what they were stopping her from doing originally.

"Aislinn, sweety? Are you alright?" She asked through mind-link.

"Mom! Oh my goddess, you're okay?! Where is Ryan? I've been so worried! Has Gwen found you? What's going on?!" Came Aislinn's excited reply.

Rei winced a little at the energy and volume of Aislinn's response; but, her relief was so strong to know the girl was okay that she didn't bother telling her to tone it down. "I'm fine, Ryan's okay, too. Where are you? What happened to you? Why would Gwen have found me?" She asked, trying to follow Aislinn's thoughts.

"I saw you were in trouble, so Gwen was supposed to find you and help you. Are you safe now? I'm alright now, I'm with the King. We are headed back to the Royal pack now" Aislinn explained, her tone and tempo slowing down a bit once she realized that Rei was struggling to follow her thoughts.

"We'll be okay" Rei replied vaguely, relieved to hear that both Darius and Aislinn were safe and together. "I'm glad you're with the King, and both safe. He's okay? You're okay? What happened?"

"Yeah, I think we're okay. He's carrying me so we get back to the Royal Pack faster with his wolf. How come I still can't reach Ryan?" Aislinn demanded, anxious to hear his voice again, and to get his word that he's alright.

At that moment, though, the guard got up and walked towards the cell. Deciding she needed to be aware of her surroundings, and focused, Rei said a quick good bye to Aislinn and looked up at the guard. Unsurprisingly, she didn't recognize him as a wolf who had once protected her two decades before.

"Time to go" he said, unlocking the cell.

Rei looked over at Ryan, concerned that he hadn't woken up yet. She looked back at the guard with a frown. "We can't go anywhere without my son" she argued.

"Don't worry. You're both headed to Hell together" the guard scoffed.

"We haven't even been judged yet! We're innocent!" Rei insisted, watching as the guard looped a plain steel chain through some hoops that allowed him to lead Rei and Ryan by their shackles.

"Like I haven't heard that before" the guard spat, tugging the chain which caused Rei to topple forward. Beside her, Ryan's unconscious body was dragged forward a bit.

"You bastard! At least let me carry my son" she growled.

"Better move fast then" the guard said with a smirk, turning to walk away at a brisk pace.

Rei tried her best to grab Ryan and carry him; but, with the silver sapping her strength, she just couldn't keep up with the guard and manage to carry her son. It didn't stop her from trying to keep him from being dragged the entire way to the gathering room.

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