Chapter 63

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Aislinn was sitting in her little pool of water with the elements around her, feeling rested and recharged within her dream state. Although she knew she should be trying to figure out the many puzzles before her, and try to determine what steps to take next, she was too content where she was to allow worry to seep in.

That all changed, though, when she heard a voice calling her name in the distance.

Frowning, Aislinn stood from the pool of water and walked towards the voice. She recognized it almost immediately; but, was confused how it was in her dreams.

Again, she heard her name being called, more urgently this time. The urgency caused her own urgent concerns to seep back into her mind, and she remembered how dire the situation for Ryan and Rei was. This was an important opportunity that she had to seize!

"Gwen!" She shouted back, breaking into a run towards the voice.

"Aislinn! Thank the goddess it worked!" Gwen yelled breathlessly, appearing in the distance before Aislinn.

The two ran to each other and despite not knowing each other for long, they embraced like old friends. Relief flooded through each of them as they found the person they most desperately needed to connect with.

"How are you here?" Aislinn demanded, puzzled over whether this was real or just a dream.

"It's an extremely long story for another time. Just know that I am here, I am real, and I've been worried sick! Why did you remove your talisman? What's going on?" Gwen demanded, her voice nearly chastising like a mother.

"That's also a long story" Aislinn shot back. "But it doesn't matter, you need to help Ryan and Rei! Can I show you a dream from here?"

Wordlessly, Gwen nodded and led Aislinn to the "screen" from before. "Just think of the dream" she instructed gently.

Nodding, Aislinn closed her eyes and recalled the dream where Rei and Ryan were being executed. Gwen cursed quietly; but, seemed unsurprised.

"Where are you in the dream?" Gwen asked, more calmly than Aislinn would have expected.

"I don't know when it happens, so I can't be sure. I think it's happening soon, though! I need you to help them, please!" Aislinn pled, grasping at Gwen's hand and willing her desperation to reach the witch.

"You can't help?" Gwen asked, a bit concerned and very confused.

"I got kidnapped with the King" Aislinn explained, not intending to be vague; but, not knowing how to summarize it succinctly.

"Wait. Back up. What? The King has already been kidnapped? And you were with him? Shouldn't I be helping you?!" Gwen shot back, frowning at the young she-wolf.

"Drystan, my vampire friend, he saved us...And...And I have powers. Like, magic. I don't know how—" Aislinn began, expecting Gwen to brush her off so she was on the cusp of breaking into a long tangent.

"Shh, it's okay little wolf, don't worry" Gwen cut in before Aislinn went off the rails. "I am not shocked that you have powers; but, that is a discussion for another time. Right now, tell me...You can use them at will to protect yourself?"

Surprised that the witch not only accepted her powers so easily; but, that she even sounded as if she expected it, Aislinn merely nodded wordlessly.

"I imagine it is very draining, though, yes?" Gwen asked, trying to weigh who needed her aid more.

"Yes; but, I'm resting and should be okay if I need them again!" Aislinn insisted, realizing what Gwen was trying to ascertain.

"And you have a vampire guardian. Interesting. You certainly do collect some unusual companions, Aislinn Jones" Gwen mused with a chuckle. "Now, about the King. You're not using the talisman anymore...Does he know your true identity, then?"

"No. He's still unconscious; but, the talisman isn't changing me into a man anymore" Aislinn explained, a bit of panic creeping into her voice. "What if he recognizes me as his mate?"

Gwen let out a laugh, shaking her head. "He won't. You'd need your wolf for your mate to recognize you. Your vampire friend should keep an extremely close eye on the King, though. He will likely be a force to be reckoned with once he wakes up...I recommend you avoid him if at all possible."

"I will, he's had a lot of silver contact so I'm hoping we have time to get him home and make everything right" Aislinn replied, taking Gwen's hands in her own. "Until then, though, please keep Rei and Ryan safe for me" she begged.

"Very well" Gwen said, smirking at Aislinn. "I'm already in the palace, so finding out what's happening with Rei and Ryan will be easier than finding you, anyways. You and your vampire friend need to return as quickly as you can, though. And stay out of trouble" she insisted.

"Thank you, Gwen! Let them know I love them, and I'll be back with them as soon as I can be" Aislinn instructed, not realizing she'd just given away a key piece of information that Gwen had been missing.

"Wait. Why can't you tell them through mind-link?" Gwen asked, frowning.

"Uh...I'm not entirely sure" Aislinn answered with a half-truth.

Gwen raised an eyebrow, suspicious with Aislinn's evasive answer. "Are they unconscious and you can't reach them?"

"That'd be my guess" the young she-wolf answered, nodding.

Gwen narrowed her eyes at the girl, trying to figure out what she wasn't telling her. Aislinn, though, gave her a hug to hide her face from the witch.

"Thanks Gwen, you need to go help them now! Please, I don't know how much time is left for them" Aislinn urged.

Gwen hugged the girl back, knowing something wasn't quite right; but, without confirmation, she didn't want to risk Rei and Ryan's life for nothing. With a sigh, she nodded.

"You be careful, kid. And get back here in one piece" she instructed sternly.

Aislinn nodded in agreement, and then felt Gwen disappear from her embrace. She fell forward, having not expected it, and the shock of the fall caused her to jerk herself into waking.

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