Chapter 6

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3rd POV

Minato was pacing the room rapidly. "Why didn't I at least leave one of my kunai with him?!" Minato yelled at himself.

Hiruzen sighed watching the man, "For the last time Minato I don't know. You were under a lot of pressure, your student was about to die if you didn't get her here in time. Even now her condition is fluctuating. You had to act fast don't blame yourself..."

"But what if Madara takes him again? He doesn't even know where he is-" Minato got cut off.

"Minato Namikaze!" Hiruzen slammed his hands down on the table and stood up. "Sit down and calm yourself like the grown man you are!" Minato quickly sat down in the chair in front of him. "Now, Fugaku will be here shortly. You must contain yourself in front of him, if you want to be in the next running of the Hokage you need to impress. Fugaku has a huge say on the council, if he likes you almost everyone else will too. You just have to put a little faith in your student Minato. After all from what you told me, if he killed that entire platoon by himself.. I don't think he's gonna get taken so easily.." he puffed some smoke out from his pipe.

Minato took a deep breath, "You're right, I have no idea what type of training he has sustained since he met Madara.." Minato finally started to relax.

"He may be stronger than Kakashi," Hiruzen said while Minato widened his eyes.

"Now I know he's more capable than before but Kakashi's a Jonin and in the process of becoming a black ops member. I think Obito could be Jonin but black ops? No. When he killed the platoon he was just angry, he wouldn't do that again. I mean there's only so much you can learn in one year, right?" Minato questioned the 3rds thinking.

"If he did it once he can do it again, especially since Obito Uchiha is Madara's grandson. Don't forget that." Hiruzen put his hands up to his mouth.

"Right.." Minato clasped his sweaty hands together as the door swung open.

"So what's so important you had to grab me out of my Uchiha council meeting for?" Fugaku demanded.


It had been hours since Obito found the tea shop and made his route back home. It was night and his human side was getting tired. He was exhausted after these long couple of days and
this new mongekyo sharingon of his drained his chakra like it was nothing. He eventually decided it was for the best to set up and rest somewhere, after all, Rin was safe and being taken care of so he didn't need to push himself.

When he was gathering wood for the fire he found a small lake and decided to set up next to it.
He started remembering one of the questions the blonde asked him at the shop 'Why are you so dirty?'
Obito looked down at his hands
Do I really look that dirty?
He sighed as he looked at his dirty self.
Rin saw me like this too.. I must look homeless..
he whined to himself, but the statement wasn't exactly wrong. Because of his own disgust from being this dirty, and especially around her, he decided to wash himself in the lake. Removing all his clothing except underwear.
He neatly folded his clothes over some trees and stepped into the cold water.
"Holy shit that's cold!" He said unenthusiastically not excited about submerging his whole body.
Finally, he decided to bite the bullet and just jump right in.
He thought it was cold for a minute then quickly acclimated.
He swam to the surface and slowly inhaled the fresh air. He rubbed in all the water into his long messy hair making sure to get the dirt out, along with his body.
He did the best he could without soap and squeegeed as much water off his body as possible, and sat by the fire.
He wasn't going to lie, he liked not wearing a shirt, it was relaxing and breathable.
He took a deep breath, "Man this stuff's getting annoying.." he twirled his finger around his long black strands. "I could cut a little off.." he debated to himself.
Who would it hurt, right?
He went up to his hanging clothes and pulled out a kunai from his pants pocket and went over to the lake.
He sat down on the edge staring into his reflection. He then started taking small sections of hair and cutting them off.
After a few minutes he was left with a messy spikey haircut, it wasn't perfect, but hey it was better than shoulder-length hair he had.
He threw the kunai down and stared at his reflection through the water. He caressed his thumb over his scars. "Damn.." he paused, "I really do look scary.."
he looked at himself long and hard, as his eyes looked over his new body he started to notice his manly features. "Have I really gotten this bulky..?" He looked at his arms and legs noticing the soft outline of new muscle he'd accumulated. He looked at his chest and saw his, not huge, but noticeable abs. "I'm.. buff...?" once he realized he smirked while blushing. "Does this mean girls will find me attractive? Well.. Rin will..? I'm tall to right? Girls like strong tall guys right..?" he started giggling, but then his eye twitched remembering her crush on Kakashi, "Ughhhh I will win her over!" He stuck his fist in the air, "I am stronger than Bakakashi! And I'm bigger than him now too! I will show Rin I'm stronger!" Obito sighed and looked down, "I'm not that helpless little kid anymore.. I can protect her.. and take better care of her than Kakashi ever could." He smiled and laid down on the ground. "I'm not losing to Bakakashi!" He smiled at the stars.


The Konaha tea house was bustling with the chunin students, gossiping like no tomorrow.

"Wait, so, what's going on? Why did you want to meet Kurenai?" Anko asked the group.

"Well I just wanted to give everyone an update on team-Minato." Kurenai said solumly.

"Wait, did something happen on their mission?" Asuma's eyes widened.

Kurenai sighed and looked at everyone, "Last thing I've heard Rin was in the hospital and Kakashi is with a medical crew working their way back to the village.." Kurenai said worriedly.

"My rival Kakashi got defeated in battle!? I don't believe it!" Guy said with all his might.

"Believe it or not Kakashi isn't invisible.. but I do wonder what could've happened to take both of them out.. must be serious." Asuma said, moving the toothpick in his mouth.

"Yea! Kakashi is the strongest in our class, and Rin's the best kunoichi of our grade, they should be a very strong team." Shizune added.

"Do you have anymore information about what happened Kurenai?" Genma asked while stretching.

"Well.. that's the scary part.." Kurenai said nervously as all of her classmates stared at her silently. "Anyone else notice Minato has been running between the Hokage's office and the Uchiha compound?"

"It's probably because he wants a good review from the clan head. If he's in the running for the Hokage. Then he's gonna need one." Asuma answered.

"As I want to believe you.. I've also been hearing Obito's name being uttered multiple times.." Kurenai said concerned.

"What?!" Everyone said collectively.

"Oh come on, You're not genuinely considering Obito being alive are you?" Asuma sighed. "I think Rin's getting into your head.." he rubbed his face.

Kurenai looked down angry, "It just doesn't add up does it? You're just gonna tell me I'm wrong for thinking so?"

"Well, your not.." asuma scratched his head not wanting to argue with his girl.

"I think what he's trying to say is that it's probably just a big coincidence, nothing more. Minato was probably just saying it would be nice for Obito to be around during a time like this for their team." Genma said saving asuma from a lot of heat. Asuma smiled silently thanking him.

Shizune looked at everyone, "I mean, it would be nice to have Obito back.. I kinda miss his stupid personality."

Anko agreed, "I feel like ever since he passed we haven't been the same. I feel like everyone is so distant now, especially Rin and Kakashi.. it's made everything kinda boring." Anko sighed.

"He did bring a lot of light into hard times like this war.." kurenai looked down.

"I thought everyone here hated him?" Guy budded in confused.

"I know you suck with social cues but seriously? He meant a lot to my best friend.. and after I saw how his loss affected her I feel terrible for treating him the way we did. We really should've given him a chance..." Kurenai looked at all the boys knowing they were the big part of Obito being bullied.

"It's not like we can change what we did now. The best thing to do is move on. After all aren't we opening up here without his help?" Asuma said.

"Only because team Minato almost died.." Kurenai said tearing up, "I don't know what I would've done if Rin died. We all love her Asuma, and he was a big part of her.. and ever since then she hasn't been the same and I'm sure after this mission it's not going to get any better!" all the girls silently nodded.

"So how about we set up something special for team Minato! Like a party, to show them they're appreciated and we care!!!" Guy stood up with his fist in the air.

Anko looked up at him with a smile. "As much as I hate agreeing with him, that does sound like a great idea."

Kurenai smiled as well, "I agree! Last I heard Rin was in critical condition in the hospital, I'll check in with her tomorrow to see when we could do that for her and Kakashi. I'll let you all know when we should meet next!" All the classmates agreed in unison.


Another chapter❤️
I hope everyone likes the changes I'm making for this story to serve its original purpose.
Please comment your thoughts and suggestions for this story!

See ya later,
Puffin muffin

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