I open the door to find a woman about 5'8 and a bright smile on her face looking down at me.

Behind her is a far taller black woman with a neutral look on her face.

"You must be Emiko and Juanita" I greet.

Emiko hands me a bottle of wine and gives me a big hug.

"Yes we are! It's so nice to finally meet you! We've been pushing Sora since day one since you're all he can talk about!" She says all excitedly.

I hug her back warmly, relief washing over me.

I let them in.

Juanita doesn't say a word.

She just takes off her shoes politely and hands me another bottle of wine, a cheese board and some flowers.

I thank her and she nods, following her girlfriend to the living room.

I follow them and they greet Sora with hugs and Emiko teasing him relentlessly.

She talks about how pretty I am and how he's punching disastrously.

He mimics her mockingly and she just laughs loudly.

I go to the kitchen to grab some wine glasses and open the cheeseboard before I come back.

They are all sat down with him and Emiko turns to find me.

She pats the seat next to her and I smile, handing everyone a glass and sitting down with them.

"Dinner is gonna be ready soon. Sora cooked" I tell them.

Emiko side eyes him.

"You best not poison us" she jokes.

He rolls his eyes at her and reaches for the wine to open it.

He pours my glass first, then everyone else and finally himself.

We all talk and talk and talk for what seems like ages.

Emiko has stories for days and Juanita drops in a few quips here and there.

A timer goes off on Sora's phone.

"That must be the food" he says.

"I'll go check on it" I offer.

"I need to put the pie in right away anyway" I say.

He nods.

"We'll help" Emiko says, standing up and as if on cue, Juanita stands up to follow.

We walk into the kitchen and I open the pot to look at the food.

It's going well.

I stir it so it doesn't burn and I'm vaguely aware of the two of them watching me.

I feel nervous.

I turn around to grab something and I accidentally knock a dishcloth over the stove!

It immediately catches on fire and I move to quickly grab it.

Before I realise, a pair of hands grab me, snatching me back and picking me off of the ground easily!


Emiko grabs the dishcloth and throws it in the sink turning on the tap, extinguishing it immediately.

"Are you okay?" Emiko asks looking worried.

I look up at Juanita who also looks concerned.

"You should be careful. Don't want you getting hurt" she says softly, putting me down gently.

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