"Woah, Kitty. Gear down. We just agreed on trying to be together again. Let's take it very slow!"

He smirked at her when he reminded her.

"You know that we didn't even consider using a condom just an hour earlier, right?"

"That's because I still have the implant I got, when Luka and I were dating. Though we never got that far, I wanted to be sure, I wouldn't get pregnant if we did." She said in disbelief.

"Oh, that's good, I think. How long ago was that by the way? Recently or when Emma was smaller?"

The young woman looked pensive at him.

"Let me think. Emma wasn't even a year old, so it was a little more than four years ago when we started and we decided to go back to being friends a day after her first birthday. Crap! I guess I should quickly find another method to prevent..."

"Marinette! What are you talking about? I lost you around Emma's first birthday!"

She sighed, then explained.

"Those implants are supposed to last about three years, maybe longer but without any guarantee. And after more than four..."

"Well, would it really be that bad? I mean, I understand that you want to figure out if we can make it work, but..." He grabbed her around her waist and pulled her taut. "I honestly wouldn't mind at all. I always wanted children with you, more than just one, you know that. So even if this implant doesn't do its job anymore... I will never again not trust you, Marinette. And you will never have to go through any crap all alone."

The young woman wanted to object but his tight grip around her middle and his strong hands which were squeezing her buttocks the way only he could do, made her lay both hands on the back of his head and start to kiss him.

"Was that a yes, M'lady?" Adrien asked her with a mischievous smirk as they parted their lips to catch their breath.

"Let's just say it was a maybe, Kitty. I need to learn to trust you again. But if we can make this relationship work again, I wouldn't be against it. I always wished you were there with me to share my happiness and even my sadness. It's something I would have wanted to experience as parents, not just as a mum. But right now, Adrien, we should rather focus on becoming a family, me, you and Emma. And give your dad and Nath more time on their own to start theirs. I know, you love her like a mum, and she does see you as her son, but believe me, the love you feel for the child that has grown inside of you is so much stronger."

"It's not only because she has grown inside of you. The moment she stood there and shouted at me to leave you alone, I knew. When you then confirmed it, I was so very much overwhelmed with everything that I wasn't even able to speak. But I instantly knew that I never felt anything stronger or deeper than I did at this moment. I saw Emma and I immediately loved her because I could instantly see that she's my daughter."

"Oh Adrien! Stop doing that. You're making me cry and then you'll feel bad and because I don't want you to feel bad, I will give in and not even think about the consequences." She exclaimed and slapped his upper arm.

The young man giggled.

"I know you can't be mad at me anyway, Marinette." He mocked her. Then he placed his lips on hers and kissed her passionately. "I missed you so much. I feel as if I was dreaming. I still can't really believe that you're here, that you're in my arms even, and the very least thing I would have hoped for, that I'll be able to hold you in my arms and be able to sleep without numbing everything. I love you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Hopefully we'll soon be able to do something about your last name. It should have been Agreste for almost six years already. And I would want not just you, but our daughter too, to have my family name!"

That made her smile at him.

"She has, Adrien. In her birth certificate she has your last name. I just haven't told her, to not confuse her before she's old enough to understand."

He swallowed hard.

"That's really cute!" He croaked. "Why did you do that, after the way I treated you? I just, I... can I be with you, when you tell her that? I would love to see how she reacts to that."

Marinette could answer that question very easily.

"She's your daughter. She simply had the right to carry your name no matter if you knew about her or wanted her at all."

"How would I ever not have wanted her? You were my everything, Marinette. And now you're both going to be all I care about. Well, as are my dad and Nath, but you know what I mean. But you know what? I really feel a little peckish right now. There should still be our pancakes and coffees in Emma's room, right?" Adrien suggested.

"You meant your by now cold coffee and my spilled one. But I agree to those pancakes. We should get some fresh coffee for the both of us though."

Gabenath/Adrienette AUWhere stories live. Discover now