31. - Conquering an Infestation

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Seems like we had reached our destination.

"This is it."

I commented as Avid came up and stood next to me. We were standing atop of a cliff face that had a honestly stunning view of a massive 'crater' down which an abundant amount of this 'impure' magical energy poured into, meeting all in the middle.

Speaking of the middle, upon a closer look I could spot what looked like a small, black crystal orb that was held up in the air by its own Magical Energy.

I guess that, was the 'infamous' Monster Heart.

[Avid] "Would you look at that infestation.."

Avid commented.
I first looked at him, before following his gaze and noticing a massive 'army' of all kinds of monsters. Upon using my appraising skills using
[Sages' Wisdom] I could see that all of these monsters, despite not being any stronger than me, were strong enough where I'd say they'd give normal people a very tough time each on their own.

And on a rough count... I'd say there was about 100 over monsters in the crater alone.

"Are all those monsters seriously connected to that thing in the middle?"

Avid nodded.

[Avid] "Indeed they are. That 'thing in the middle' is the Monster Heart you're after."

Well I could figure out as much on my own, thank you very much Mr.Detective.
That being said.. the sheer amount of monsters was honestly a bit intimidating.

Scratch that - a bit is lightly said — It WAS intimidating. Even though my stats were ridiculous as hell, I couldn't forget a simple quote that was stuck in my head at this moment in time.

"Quantity over quality."
Although, does that apply here? Maybe.
While I looked a bit nervous, Avid looked completely confident - not a shread of fear or stress present around him.

'Must be either underestimating the monsters or overestimating his own power.'

I thought before sighing.
Overconfidence should be a crime man.

[Avid] "Alright, we may only have one shot at this. In and out, grab the Monster Heart and destroy it."

I nodded in response before shedding a slight sweat. Being limited to using [Black Magic] and [Shadow Manipulation] to fight is going to make things rather difficult.

While technically, nothing was stopping me from using my skills during the fight - it would look suspicious as hell if I used my skills after claiming to be a Black Sorcerer.

[Avid] "Now then- on my command, strike them with your black magic."

Avid said before leaping off into the distance while remaining hidden from the monsters field of view.
Strike them with my magic?! What am I supposed to throw at them?!

Using a high scale spell would create enough of a distraction for you to then move in with [Shadow Manipulation].

I see... Well, it's worth a try.
How much Magical Energy do I need to exert to pull off a spell big enough for that task?


Calculation suggests that around 25% of your maximum Magical Energy should be enough.

A fourth - actually not as much as I thought. Well then, I guess there is no reason to stall now.
And so, after [Sages' Wisdom] performed his calculations, I quickly got into position and awaited the sign that Avid would give me.

Reborn as a Snake! (1.) [COMPLETED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ