Day 0-Introduction

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//June 30th\\
Basis of the purge

They were there to experiment on him, it was his punishment for failing to kill that weak group. He tried to free himself, but it was useless, there was no escape.

«There's no point in trying to run away, you knew the consequences if you didn't do what was asked» She said, while he, scared, tried to free himself from that damned experiment chair.

«Please don't do this, I... I knew what would happen if I didn't follow your directions, but please don't do this...I actually tried to destroy them, but believe me...»

«Listen to me.»She said, interrupting him
«It's time you knew the reality. You were never really interested in this purge, you were never interested in hurting people. You don't care about all this purge, and do you know why? Because you are the wrong person .» 

He listened, with hot tears in his eyes. He wondered:Was that what he was supposed to end up with?
Sitting there, tied up, not even able to move his head, he remembered all the moments of his life.
His thoughts were interrupted again by the woman.
«You know... I never should have tested you that day, because you're not skilled for it. You're weak. You were and have always remained the same high school kid: A poor loser, who thinks that his crush, really loves him. Look where you are now. Poor thing... What are your last words before we begin?»

He had reached the end, he couldn't do anything anymore, he couldn't move, no one was there to help him. He had to resign himself and end it there
«I only tell you this.That even if you hate me, I will never change my opinion of you. You have always been a strong, confident and also very intelligent girl. So I fell in love, but as I see, you never accepted me. I was stupid, I know, but I will never change my opinion on love, because love is the most beautiful thing in the world, even if it can kill you. I am ready to suffer my consequences » He said.He closed his eyes, as tears fell from his face. By now, he knew what awaited him.

«How nice to say these things.» She said ironically. Everything was ready. And here the first experiment began...

~~6 days before~~
/24 June\
Garcia's house

In a little country town in Texas, there was a boy, his name was Jack, Jack Garcia to be more precise. He is 20 years old, and lives with his aunt and uncle and his sister, Amelia. He and Amelia have been living for 4 years now, due to the death of their mother, who had cancer. Their father was always off work, and he didn't have time to take on the task of being a father, so their guardians were his uncles. He is currently studying law at university.

Jack, after starting his summer holidays, met a group of guys on discord, and was literally fond of them. One day he was writing to himself like every other time, one of the kids in the group wrote down an idea he had

~~~~~On discord~~~~~
#Robert_3890: Guys, I was thinking about something. Since we've all finished university, how about we go for a holiday for a month? We could get to know each other better! Because I'm bored of always going to the beach with my parents -_-

#MallyK_19:  I think it's a nice idea!

#Jack_boss-⁠ᄒ⁠ᴥ⁠ᄒ⁠-: Yeah, it's a great idea, but I have to ask my uncles for permission, especially my uncle who doesn't trust people online |:<

#Fathima_catlover_55:I have to ask my step-father too, but I know he will say no, he already hates me, then I ask him if I can go out with strangers, he hang me directly

/𝖥𝗂𝗏𝖾 𝖽𝖺𝗒𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝖺 𝗇𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗆𝖺𝗋𝖾\ 𝖡𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗄 𝗂𝗇Where stories live. Discover now