Chapter 19

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Monday Night Raw

So Dolph was backstage and he was getting ready for his match against Adam Rose and then skip to Dolph/w Lana vs Adam Rose/w Rosa Mendes match And Adam Rose said you people just don't get it, you don't get what real art is,and you don't definitely don't get what true love is, but me and my Rosa we get it, I love us and Rosa said I love us and Adam Rose said one My unvell master piece the Dolph was dominating the whole match and the he hits the Zig Zag and he won the match and Lana comes in the ring and raised his arm in the air and then Dolph was smiling and was close to her and he pull out a bobby pin out of her hair and they kiss on the lips and Rusev was watching backstage and he was pissed off and he threw his crutches and fell on his ankle and holding it and then Summer Rae came up to him and gave Rusev one of his crutches and said Lana not worth is and she smiled and walk away.

At the hotel

Lana and dolph was just chilling and cuddling and Dolph was looking at his twitter and he saw a photo of Rusev and Summer and he said Lana look and she look and she said OMG really and he said yeah and Lana said well Rusev will never make me jealous and I will never take him back and he said I know babe and he gave her a Peck on the lips and then she look at her twitter and seeing pictures of her and Dolph kissing and she retweeted and blah blah blah and the she got sleepy then she fell asleep in his arms and then he carried her to the bed and then he decided to stay up a little longer and then he climb in bed next to her and cuddle and fell asleep too.

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