Chapter 15

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Monday Night Raw

So Dolph was backstage with Lana and Lana ask Dolph "do you have a match tonight" and Dolph said yeah I do but I don't know who and and Lana said OK.... Skip to the match Dolph did his entrance and Lana was at ringside and then he waited to see who was he's opponent and then Rusev theme played and Lana had a scared look on her face and Rusev didn't care about his match he just want to destroyed Dolph Ziggler and he attack him Lana had to stop it and she went and grab a mix and said STOP IT STOP IT YOUR HURTING HIM PLEASE JUST STOP RUSEV but Rusev didn't listen to her and he kept going and he put him the Accolade and Rusev kept the hold for a while and the refs came in the ring to get him off of Ziggler and then he did and he look at Lana and said kiss him now Lana he's your boyfriend kid him and he started to laugh and walk away and Lana had check on Dolph the refs had help Dolph walk backstage and when he got there he was in the doctors room and Lana told Dolph I'm very very sorry it all my fault I.... I....think we should breakup cause I don't want to see you hurt anymore and she start to have tears in her eyes and Dolph said Lana babe don't ever say that we are not going to breakup cause of Rusev hurting me and Lana said but Dolph- he cut her off and kiss her and broke the kiss and said baby please I promise I would make sure Rusev don't have to bother us again and she smile a little and said yeah and he said let's go to the hotel and just relax and not worry about Rusev and she said ok

At Dolph room

Lana took her shower and change clothes and dolph did the same thing and they had cuddle for a while and watch T.V and He kissing her cheek and said everything will be okay and she fell asleep in his arms and Dolph smile and kiss her cheek and went to sleep too.

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