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The big house that has been gloomy all these years was festive today and everyone looked happy.

Xiao zhan on this day woke up early, his white smooth face was serious his hair which he loves leaving a little bit longer was let just hang down to his shoulders.

"Grandpa's master only sensed the missing soul and he is not aware of the exact location, it's still early to celebrate, the bead light last night was gloomy not bright, there's no need to put our hopes high." Zhan who was having breakfast said his voice was void of any emotions but you could feel the weakness.

"All these years we were worried and praying for a miracle to happen, you don't have to give up half way through, I'm sure when your parents are alive they could be happiest knowing finally our zhan doesn't have to hide inside the house but could go out and interact with others." The old madam who will never let his precious and only grandson remain sad and gloomy answered, he still believes the master who protected xiao zhan life since he was born and now he is already eighteen years old.

Although xiao zhan's body is weak and he almost died when he was just born luckily a master who never asked for anything for the past eighteen years saved the life of xiao zhan but said if the missing soul could not be found before xiao zhan turns twenty then he no longer has a way to save him because a person with a missing soul is like an empty shell and a time will come when he will vanish like dust and nothing will be left behind.

Xiao zhan who wasn't excited as his grandmother was about to speak when an excited maid rushed inside while panting hard. "Old lady old lady good news! Master said the bead is shining brightly now and he can conclude the soul is not far from here but in the city, in a few days time he will be able to locate the exact location!" The maid shouted and you could feel the happiness emitting from her.

The old lady dropped the glass of warm water she was drinking and smiled, xiao zhan who was serious all this time for a second his expression changed and if you watch closely you could see his hands were slightly trembling, for the past eighteen years xiao zhan has never shown any emotion to anyone and he has been cold to everyone that he came by and one of the reason was because of the missing soul.

"Great! God is blessing us! Finally good news keeps coming from time to time, our zhan zhan will be safe!" The old lady said her face full of smiles, such good news needs a celebration.

"Zhan zhan c'mon finish your breakfast we need to go see master after this." The old madam added, zhan didn't refuse, he lowered his head and continued to eat slowly but his mind at this moment was ringing, a lot of unexplainable thoughts kept going through his mind.


"Your body kept getting warmer since we got to the city." Wang yibo who was holding xiao zhan hand said making Wang Lu who was driving towards his cousin's house, almost drove out of the road.

"Are you trying to kill us? Trust me I will be the first person to kill you before anything happens to us." Yibo who was slightly angry said his voice full of displeasure.

"Cousin I was not careful don't worry nothing like this could happen again." But his words seems not to be heard by Wang yibo who was busy taking care of the unseen ghost.

"Are you okay? Is there a place that you feel uncomfortable?" Yibo asked his voice full of worries and his eyes didn't leave xiao zhan for a second.

"I'm fine, it's so fun and mysterious that such a carriage will move so fast and it feels comfortable too." Zhan who wasn't scared at all but rather excited answered his eyes looking outside curiously, he has never seen such tall buildings and strange things before, everything changed so much that he felt like he arrived at a fantasy world.

"I will show you more interesting things once you have rested enough." Yibo who was in a good mood seeing xiao zhan so happy added.

Wang Lu suddenly coughed but this time he was careful and didn't do anything or lose concentration while driving, what did he just hear? Since when did his cousin waste his time to go to such boring places? What kind of sweet and confusing water did this ghost make his cousin drink for him to change so much.

His cousin who doesn't talk much now is talking alot and even smiling but when it comes to him the smile on his cousins face becomes scary! How can his cousin treat his fellow human beings like stranger's and unimportant existence but then when it comes to a dead person who is just a ghost the treatment is obviously different!.

Is a ghost so important compared to human beings? You can clearly see without being told that this ghost is being favoured! He can tell his cousin seems to have fallen in love! A man who lived a celibate for over decade suddenly falls in love but then the person he is in love with is not alive but dead! His cousin is in love with a ghost!.

"Okay!" Zhan nodded his head his eyes shining.

Wang yibo for a second was confused with xiao zhan smile, he was drawn to the smile, he has never seen such a beautiful smile before, he never knew someone could actually smile so beautifully before, this time he really did meet a gem, his decision of relocating to china and going to the village wasn't wrong at all, he really did the right decision.

Before he finally gets busy with work he will take care of xiao zhan and make sure he always smiles like this.

Wang Lu refused to go inside his cousins house after arriving but chose to go back to his family home, he is already frightened enough, he is really courageous and bold to ride in the same car with a ghost.

Arriving at his family's house he by chance met his grandpa who rarely visits, he wondered what old Wang came to their house to do? But thinking closely it looks like he needs to tell his grandpa what he has seen maybe his grandpa might have a way to or an idea to help his cousin.

A Ghost Falls In Love With A Human!✅✔️☑️Where stories live. Discover now