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Zhan complained his voice aggrieved making Wang yibo heart to soften for a second but he immediately composed himself, even if someone sent a person or a spy to him they can't send a stupid and idiot young man right?.

Wang yibo decided to compromise for just this once and see if this idiot is pretending to be a fool or if he is a real fool, since he was born until now he has never done such a thing but for today he decided to be patient and understanding, although he can't explain why so but he wasn't as annoyed as he used to when someone else behaves like this young man who was now looking at him so naively.

"Okay little idiot what is your name?" Yibo asked the first question.

He saw the young mans eyes lit up but the next second dimmed but he still answered.

"My name is Xiao zhan and I am very smart not an idiot!" Zhan answered with his cheeks puffed up, how can his future husband call him an idiot, he is the smartest! "But you're an exception you can me zhan zhan." He added.

Wang yibo was surprised, he can read this young man like a book, the expressions on his face could clearly tell what this young man is thinking without speaking, he really had a very unexplainable day, he couldn't have met a little idiot who ended up being interested in him right? But this little idiot isn't smart at all and doesn't even know how to express his feelings like those annoying and shameless bitches out there, the young man way of showing his liking is so simple and straightforward which he find it very interesting.

"Where are you from how did you find out I live here and even know my room?" Yibo asked the second question.

"You only know how to ask questions pretending not to know me!" Zhan mumbled unhappily thinking Wang yibo didn't hear what he said but still answered the question.

"You cleaned my resting place and even burnt incense for me! You pitied me and said I'm very young so I immediately knew you must have fallen in love with me! So I followed you here to repay you by us two getting married."

Xiao zhan words made Wang yibo expressionless face crack for a minute, fall in love with who? Repay by getting married? When did he fall in love? He remembers cleaning that abandoned grave and even burning incense just a way of paying respect nothing else but this young man seems to have misunderstood his doing and words.

"C'mon sit down  the two of us needs to talk." Wang yibo said and got up from his bed, he got a chair not far away and sat down beside the bed where xiao zhan was seated.

Xiao zhan was somehow confused wondering if he said something confusing and his future husband didn't understand, he explained everything very clearly right? His future husband can't be a fool and forget everything easily right? Well he is an understanding and supportive partner he will not leave his future husband because of that! He is loyal to his future husband.

Yibo lips twitched seeing the sudden change of xiao zhan expression and the way he was looking at him like he pitied him, his whole body for once felt cold.

"I want to tell you that the person I spoke to was the person buried at the graveyard not you, you really misunderstood, you can't be living at the graveyard right and sleep at the grave site where I cleaned right?"

Xiao zhan nodded his head like a rattle. " That's my home I sleep there, you cleaned where I sleep and live every day because you have fallen in love with me." Zhan answered without changing his expression.

Yibo was rendered speechless by xiao zhan words, this young man can't be homeless right? Living at the graveyard all alone every day can be very dangerous right? Living all alone in the wild without any protection.

"Don't you have a family? Are you not scared living all alone in such a dangerous place?" Yibo who ignored the word love from xiao zhan words asked this time really concerned.

"I don't have any family members, I was scared at first but I'm used to it now, but living alone for so many many years makes me very lonely too." Zhan answered honestly, he has been stuck without being reincarnated for the past four hundred years, watching people come and go and not even once has anyone visited him or paid respect to him Wang yibo was the first person.

Wang yibo heart for once fluctuated, he knows the feeling of not having anyone by your side and just staying alone and on top of that living at a graveyard! When it rains the young man had to stay in the cold, when it's so hot he still has to find a way to survive and fend for himself, he can't tell how this young man suffered all those years without any help, now it explains why this young man followed him when he said those words thinking they were meant for him.

"You must be tired how about letting you rest here and tomorrow you can follow me back to the city what do you think?" Yibo who decided to help the young man and let him stand on his own two feet suggested, not knowing that he misunderstood the person in front of him is already dead and not a human being at all!.

Xiao zhan was really excited, his future husband even invited him to sleep on the bed he was sleeping! He wasn't even scared when he told him that his home is at the graveyard, the grave he cleaned! He really chose well! His future husband is the best man in the whole world! That old uncle when he hears the good news and knew that he was wrong all along he would want to die for the second time!.

"Yes whatever you say I will follow, I know your a good man! Don't worry I will do anything you tell me! I will take care of you... But you have to burn incense for me every day, two times a day, I love it and I feel energized right now." Xiao zhan answered and lied down on the bed.

Wang yibo didn't think much, some people love the smell of incense and this young man seems to love it, it's no problem at all, he got up got another duvet for xiao zhan, when he touched him earlier he could feel how cold he was.

The bed was big and can accommodate two people since the two of them are men it's not really strange to sleep on the same bed, although he hates people intruding to his space but for xiao zhan he is an exception, the little idiot is so interesting and not annoying at all.

A Ghost Falls In Love With A Human!✅✔️☑️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin