| Butterflies |

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Damian did not know what was going on.

He had just came home from another mission with his partner in battle, Raven, and had encountered something unusual.

His heart was beating faster.

His palms where sweaty.

He gets that weird feeling in his stomach.

And where do you go when you need advice on girls,

Richard Grayson.

He knocked on the door to his brothers room, all the while having second thoughts about this and about to head back to his room but not before, "Little D!"

Damian silently groaned in annoyance as he slowly turned his body to face his older brother. "Good evening Grayson, may I speak with you?"

Richard smiled at him and gestured him to enter his room, which he did, "What do you want to talk about?" He asked Damian as he sat down on the edge of his bed, Damian taking a seat beside him.

"I have a few questions," Damian said, diverting his gaze towards his lap.

"Fire away."

With a sigh Damian began, "Do you ever get a weird feeling in your stomach?"

Richard raised his eyebrows at his younger brothers query, "When I get hungry?"

"This is a very serious conversation Grayson."

Richard grinned and continued, "Well I guess I have, why do you ask?" He widened his eyes as if he just realised something, "Have you felt that feeling before?"

Damian had his attention back towards his lap, "Well,"

"YOU HAVE!!" His older brother squealed in excitement, "WHEN?!?"

Damian rolled his eyes at him, "Back when I was with-" He got cut off by Richard, "Raven!" He gasped in excitement and stood up abruptly from the bed, "I never thought this day would come!"

"What are you talking about Grayson, your acting as if I just told you the most amazing thing you ever heard off?"

"But don't you get it Damian!?" Richard grabbed his brothers shoulders, "You just did!"

Damian had almost had enough of this, "What exactly did I tell you that is so amazing in that head of yours?"

"Oh my god Damian! Isn't It obvious? I knew this would happen! Ever since Bruce told us about you having a partner an-"

Damian had lost his patience and was now glaring at his brother, "Get to the point!"

Richard pushed lightly on Damian's shoulder so that they where both seated in the bed like before, "Damian, that funny feeling in your stomach, when does it normally happen?"

"At school?"

Richard smiled at his brother, "When you were with Raven?"

Damian nodded, "Yes."

Richard laughed lightly at his brother who clearly had no clue what was going on, "Damian, I think those are butterflies,"

Damian had a look of confusion on his face, "Butterflies? I don't do butterflies."

"Well clearly you do, I'll prove if to you." Richard had a serious look on his face, "Do you enjoy spending time with Raven?"


"Do you think you and her get along well?"


"What do you admire most about her?"

"Well, for starters, I think she is really smart, and I really like her eyes, and her voice. And her hair. And her face. And her, well everything about her. I could stare at her all day and never get bored."

Richard smiled at Damian. "Little D, I think you may have a crush,"

Damian eyes widened, "A crush? On who?"

Richard had a bored expression on his face. "On Raven! Who else? Think about it Damian! You only feel like this around her!"

"Oh no! I do like her! I can't like my partner!"

"Why not?"

"What if she doesn't like me back? What if she likes someone else? What if she has a crush on another boy?

"Damian calm down, she-"


Richard let out a sigh at his brother panicking, "As far as I'm aware of, Raven is not lesbian."

Damian had let out a sigh in annoyance, "What should I do now?"

Richard grinned at him, "I'll give you some tips."

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in so long. I have exams in three weeks and im so stressed out. But where do I go when I need to relax? Wattpad!

I know this isn't usually how Damian acts but I want him to act differently and have no clue whats going on.

To clear some of your confused minds, after Flash reset the timeline, the teen titans where never formed. So, when Bruce thought Damian needed some help on teamwork, he assigned Damian to a partner that is none other than... RAVEN!

This is all just part of my imagination.

I know I'm very lonely. I love comments so if you don't mind...👉👈

I hope yall enjoyed it!


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