[ 7 ] Painting the Roses Red

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All Warnings and Extra Information:

- ♤, ♡, ♧ and ♢ means flashback, memory, diary entries, journal entries, etc.

- Bold words are emphasized

- Blanks are words that will be stated in the future or an error

Author: Y/N's room will be revised since I'll be giving her a roommate although they won't be mentioned much :') also whenever Cater talks outside of the games script he won't be using the internet slang as much since I really can't write how Cater talks in game. I can if it's already in the script but outside it he's like really ooc :/ also i was gonna upload this on march 30 but im bored cuz i have nothing to do and im too lazy to do my practical research stuff so here you go :)


The five Heartslabyul students returned to the dorm, Riddle have told the girl to head off to bed as she followed his orders and returned to her room.

Arriving back at her room, she opened the lights and went to her desk and took out her journal.

Entry 2: Twisted Wonderland

Apprehended the Rule Breakers as punishment from the dorm leader. Don't trust anyone yet, unless they have proven themselves to be trusted. Give out little information. Information about the server or the Life Series will not give them much info on what is happening or what will be happening. Be vigilant.

Y/N let out a breath as she blew on her hair and leaned back on her chair, 'I can't get time here... *sigh* Just hope I don't die or something...'

Her eyes dulled as her vision was engulfed in darkness, moments later and her vision cleared, she blinked in confusion as she sat on her chair properly and looked around. The empty bed on the other side of her own caused her to be curious, deciding to think about it later, she then tilted her head as she gazed out the window, navy blue engulfed the sky, the girl sighed to herself and went to her bed and layed down.

'I wonder...' she shook her head as she went to sleep, finally sleeping for the first time.

It was now morning, Y/N was woken up by a knock on her door, she opened it and was greeted by Trey, "Y/N, do you want to join us for breakfast?"

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It was now morning, Y/N was woken up by a knock on her door, she opened it and was greeted by Trey, "Y/N, do you want to join us for breakfast?"

The girl blinked, "Sure..." The male smiled and led her to the dining room.

She took a seat next to a silver haired male in a top hat and a male with dark hair and red eyes, the girl blinked slowly as she looked around the table.


Y/N's head slammed down the table causing everyone in the dinning room to flinch at the sudden sound.

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