[ 5 ] Troublemakers

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All Warnings and Extra Information:

- ♤, ♡, ♧ and ♢ means Location change, TimeSkips, Time change, date/year/momth change, flashback, memory, etc.

- Bold words are emphasized

- Blanks are words that will be stated in the future or an error

Author: Prologue is nearing its end. I will be taking a break, when I'll return I don't know. I don't really have that much motivation to write things for my books

Author[01/19/24]: Yes I know I missed the update for this week[or last week by the time this has been uploaded] it's cuz exams and my grandpa just died yesterday[01/18/24]

Author[01/20/24]: I might start updating without a schedule from now on. For the sake of my mental and emotional health. I won't be updating as much[probably a lie lmao]

Author[01/24/24]: I have a reason on why Y/N is not in Ramshackle and is instead in Heartslabyul. 1. I hate Grim, 2. So that Y/N and Riddle will have a head start with their relationship, 3. Because it fits Y/N with her being the 'Red Queen' and all and maybe some other things ehe

Author[01/27/24]: Might not update next week since I need to worry about second semester, also a little bit sleepy so I'll update this at like 12am cuz i dont want to worry about it when i wake up :)


Meguru was finally leading Y/N to the cafeteria after showing her where their classes will take place and which room is which.

Y/N gave a small smile to herself, yet a certain memory forced her to return to her normal stoic expression that she have every time of day. They then made it to the cafeteria, Meguru took a tray and went in line, the girl just looked around and found a table for the two of them.

A few minutes or so later and she saw Meguru approaching her with two trays, presuming that the other one was for her, "Here. I didn't see you get a tray for yourself so I took one for you. I don't know what you actually like so I took something that you'll probably like, based on assumptions of course." Y/N nodded as thanks as she took the tray and started eating the salad that Meguru took for her.

While eating, she took notice of the freshmans aside from herself, arguing about something. Although she can probably hear it, she chose to lower her hearing sensitivity due to possibly getting annoyed at the two with their argument.

She then touched her pointed ears, then covered it up with her hair as it slightly muffled the sounds, only being able to hear a few tables away from her.

"Hey... Umm..." The male noticed that the girl have yet to introduce herself, "Y/N."

"Ah right... Do you want to be... Friends?"

The girl immediately stopped her movements as she gazed at the male next to her, a small smile then appeared within her lips as she smiled at the male, "I would love to."

Meguru smiled brightly at that as he then hugged the girl causing said female to tensed up, "Thanks!"

The two then ate in a comfortable silence, a few minutes later and the girl have finished eating, along with Meguru as he then took her tray to put it away.

A few minutes later and the bell rang, signaling the end of classes for today, "You go on ahead Meg." Meguru's eyes widened slightly but nodded anyways as he then went back to his dorm.

Y/N turned to window of the hallways and saw that the sun was still up, it was probably around twelve o'clock or somewhere close to that, basing on the sun, the girl hummed as she started walking to the direction of the cafeteria, forgetting an item there when she was eating with Meg.

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