Chapter Seven

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Luka is sitting on the Liberty's deck, his guitar in his lap, trying to play the melody that has been stuck in his head for weeks. Since he met the damn blonde.

Since the day he met Chloé Bourgeois, just over two weeks ago, Luka hasn't been able to get his melody out of his head. Or she. He can't find notes or chords to compose anything that comes close to what he heard from the blonde. Which isn't surprising, as the girl's melody is a cacophony of sounds, all very jumbled and messed up. It's as if she doesn't know who she is, as if she's confused about herself, about which notes to choose, which melody to create.

She's complicated to listen to, intriguing and unique. Strange when you first hear it, but the more you listen, the more you can decipher this strange but beautiful melody. She has a touch of boldness, shyness and softness. There is also sweetness, haughtiness and fear. It's something completely complicated and unique. He had never heard a melody like this, so strange but truly beautiful in its strangeness. Chloé's melody is an unknown quantity, as is the girl herself.

And Luka can't get either of them out of his head. It's like they've lodged themselves in a corner of his mind and refuse to leave, no matter what he does.

It's irritating and very weird.

He and Chloe didn't get along at all since the first time they saw each other. He already didn't have a good opinion of the girl. Not after hearing everything she's done to her sister and friends. Luka has always been very protective of Juleka and doesn't allow his sister to be harmed, just as he doesn't like injustice and people who think they are superior to others. He didn't know Chloe, and even though he'd only heard bad things about her, he decided to wait and see for himself before forming a definitive opinion about the mayor's daughter. And when he met her, he discovered that she was the devil himself.

It was his first day at Françoise Dupont, he transferred there after his school had a problem with the plumbing and everything flooded. Thus causing students to have to transfer to other schools in order to finish the school year, as the school would have to be renovated and would not finish in time to finish the school year. His mother then decided it would be a good idea for him to go to the same high school as his twin sister.

Luka didn't complain, he has a lot of friends who study there and he was happy to spend more time with his sister.


So far, Luka's first day at Françoise Dupont is going great. He was well received by his friends and fellow students. He's excited to study with his sister and friends, he's in the same class and room as Juleka and her whole group of friends. Which makes him excited that he knows almost everyone in the class and hopes to get along with the ones he doesn't.

But Luka is known to be a very calm and understanding guy. He gets along with everyone, it's very rare for him not to like someone. He always tries to get to know people and understand who they are and understand their particularities.

"Guys!" Professor Bustier calls the class to attention. "I'd like to introduce you to a new student, Luka Couffaine. I hope you will welcome him and be kind. Luka, would you like to perform for your classmates?"

The teacher asks and Luka nods in agreement. He turns to his colleagues and begins to speak.

"Hey guys!" he starts and waves his hand. "Most of you already know me, but for those who don't, my name is Luka Couffaine, as the teacher already said... And I'm Juleka's twin brother. I'm also a musician and I love to play instruments, especially string ones. I also compose and I think that's it." He looks and smiles at the teacher when he finishes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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