Chapter One

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I decided to make this fanfic because I love Lukloe and I love Chloe. And since apparently we won't have his redemption in the series, I'll see if I can get it here. We'll see where it all takes us in the end.

The age here is not the same as in the series. In fact, the show always confuses me about the ages of the characters. Even if I search for it. Here Chloé is about to turn sixteen and some other characters are also or have already turned. Luka, Adrien, Félix, Juleka, Nino, Lila, Ivan and Kim are one year older. The reason, they simply failed a year, or Juleka, Luka and Adrien missed a school year because they had studied at home when they were younger or just for being. I don't really care what the reason is, it's just that I said so and that's it.

For now, he's more focused on Chloe. But I hope to expand to other characters. Mainly Luke.

Most of season 4 will be skipped. Only some of her stuff will be included.

 It might be a bit OOC, I'm not sure I managed to be fully true to the characters. Hope I did a good enough job. If not, I apologize in advance.

 My mother tongue is not English. I apologize for any mistakes and ask you to bear with me and forgive me for it. I write the story in my mother tongue (Brazilian Portuguese), so it's easier for me and then I switch to English to publish it.

The fanfic is Lukloe, but there will be other couples. Mostly relationships involving Chloe and Luka with other people. There will also be sex scenes, profanity and sensitive topics. If you don't like any of these things or any couple, don't read. And if you comment, please be respectful. I don't want to be insulted and cursed for not having the same opinion as you.

 And that's it. I hope you like it and have fun reading. Kisses and until the next.

Chloe is angry, very angry. She's felt this way for a long time, but now she's reached a greater and more extreme point of frustration, anger, hatred, and disappointment than any other time. And it's all aimed at Adrien, Zoé, Marinette, Ladybug, her mom, her dad, everyone! But mainly herself.

She doesn't have anyone else, literally this time. Adrien doesn't want to be friends with her anymore, Zoe has given up on trying to bond with her, even though she's still kind and concerned, as usual. Ladybug took her miraculous and gave it to someone else. And everyone at school still hates her and wants nothing to do with her.

Not that she can blame them exactly for that. Chloe has done nothing to make them trust or like her. On the contrary, actually. She was nasty, cruel, selfish, and really, really stupid. As well as her mother.

Her only and greatest wish all her life was for her mother to love her. It shouldn't be asking too much, should it? For a mother to love her daughter, to give her affection and attention. Yes, but it really is asking too much for Audrey Bourgeois to love her daughter, daughters, as Zoé has not escaped suffering her mother's emotional neglect.

But she got tired of trying to be anything other than herself just to please others. It's time to stop being the shallow, selfish girl she's always been. She's determined to be Chloe Bourgeois, the one and only.

Nothing she does will make her mother her notice or love her. It doesn't matter how cruel, horrible and nasty she is. Her mother will never recognize her, be proud of her or show any affection for her daughter. Audrey is unable to love anything but herself. And Chloe is tired of trying to please her by being an utterly awful person and losing everything in the process.

She will also stop trying to be 'nice' like Adrien and Ladybug wanted. She doesn't know how to be good, not quite at least. Chloe is sure she's never going to be a perfect, lovely, uninhibited, sweet girl and all that shit that everyone has always asked and wished her to be. She's not like Dupain-cheng that everything she touches turns to flowers and rainbows of how good and perfect she is as a person, friend, well, everything.

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