Extra Chapters (EDITED)

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I tried to pass through a breach to meet with my husband on this other Earth. However, I was transported somewhere else and saw a group of strangers who seem to know me.


"Hazel, what are you doing here???" Snart asked.

"I wanted to meet my doppelganger's true love in person and I guess I don't have bad taste after all," I snickered.

"That's not your Hazel," British Man said.

"Of course not.....I'm way hotter than her but I can be as cold as ice," I said.

"Snart, we got to do something before she kills us," Sara said.

"Well, if I can't kill Mayor Snart.....you'll pretty much do it for me," I hissed.

I threw a fireball at him so they were running away from me which only made things even more fun. Sara tried to fight against me but I fought back better and knocked her lights out.

"You're so pathetic....just like your sister, Black Siren but I was able to teach her a valuable lesson," I said.

"Who the HELL are you?!" Sara asked.

"Haven Garrick but you can call me....Winter Flames," I said.

"I think it's time for you to go back to your time," British guy said.

"Go ahead and try!" I shouted.

I mix the cold and fire to attack them repeatedly as they dodged my every move when I was hit from behind by something so I woke up all tied up in some kind of prison cell.

"Why do you look like my girlfriend?" Snart asked.

"I'm from another earth which your girlfriend/my doppelganger could explain to you when you go see her soon enough," I smirked.

"Why did you become a villain?" Snart asked.

"Simple, I was in a accident when the particle accelerator exploded.....I woke up with these powers along with this whole dissociative identity disorder.....they put me in the Psych Ward where I met Zoom and we became a family......my family hated who I was so they change my name to Haven Garrick so I wouldn't be a disappointment," I revealed.

"You're sick.....you need some help with what's going on inside of you," Sara said.

"Hazel Allen died when my brother's wife shot me and was on ice for over two years now.....there's only Haven Garrick," I snapped.

I caused a distraction long enough to escape and grab a pod to go to Earth-1. When I got there, the pod went back to the ship so it's time for a reunion with my love, Zoom.



(This is about chapter two but in Snart's point of view)

I was working on a plan to get Flash out in the open with Mick when I bumped into this beautiful brunette. I remember her face from the research I was doing on female cops to help me keep tabs on the CCPD. However, she was truly beautiful and young for a cop but can't lose my focus since she's my ticket to making sure things don't go wrong.

"I'm truly sorry for bumping into you," she apologized.

"Don't worry about it," I said.

The girl continued off until I grabbed her hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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