[19] Speed Force (EDITED)

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The hatred I had for Reverse-Flash was nothing compared to the hatred I feel right now towards Zoom after he killed my father. My brother held my hand as we were at dad's funeral and I wanted to hurt Zoom the way he hurt me. I was still unable to feel my legs so I was stuck in the very wheelchair Wells and Barry were using when they were hurt.

"Hazel, how are you doing?" Joe asked.

"Dead; I'm stuck in a damn wheelchair while Zoom's out there, getting away with my father's death," I scoffed.

"Z, I know you're struggling with your back and Zoom killing Henry but you need to stay focused on getting those legs working again," he stated.

"It took weeks for Barry to fully heal up," I argued.

"Would you like to eat something, Hazel?" Iris asked.

"My usual..."

"Barry's getting your two pies as we speak," she said.

"Thanks," I smiled.

Barry arrived with pizza so we were eating together with Wally when I saw a reflection of Zoom and I started to feel a rush of energy. I suddenly ran, abruptly stopping and collapsing at my father's grave as I slowly got up to my feet when Barry arrived to check on me.

"He was there....he was watching....he's coming back for me, Barry, please don't let him take me," I begged.

"Z, you're going to be fine....Zoom wasn't even home; I need you to breathe and let's get you home," Barry assured.

"Please don't let him take me," I begged.

Barry simply hugged as I strangely felt calm again and I woke up at S.T.A.R. Labs where Wally was watching over me.

"Hey, what just happened?" I asked.

"You thought Zoom was at the house and you sped out of the house," Wally revealed.

"Your panic attack must've given you a recharge and it also accelerated your healing," Caitlin revealed.

"I just want this to be over, Cait," I said.

"We will make sure Zoom never comes after us again," Caitlin promised.

So, the others were off to help Barry while I continued to recover from home and we were celebrating the end of Zoom's terror.

"Hey Bar, can you take me upstairs please?" I asked.


Barry took me upstairs as I wanted to talk with him about everything that happened.

"I need you to go back and save mom from Zoom," I said.

"Z, are you sure that you want to do this?" Barry asked.

"Everywhere I look, I see him and I know he's gone but....I can't live with this, Barry," I argued.

"I love you, Hazel," Barry said.

"I love you too, Bar," I said.

Barry ran off to change the past as I started feeling strange and passed out.

-Speed Force-

We chose to take control of Hazel Allen's body in order to stop Barry from making a huge mistake. We went after Barry when he left his friends at home and used Hazel's Sonic Cry to stop him.

"Hazel, what are you doing???" Barry asked.

"We can't let you go back," we said.

"Who's....wait, you're not my sister," he realized.

"We gave you and Hazel a gift but you decide to use it to go back in time....there are consequences to this," we defended.

"I gave you Zoom and this is how I get repaid?!" Barry argued.

"Barry, if you do this....Hazel will pay the price because you can't accept the life cycle," we argued.

"Don't you use my sister as a way to get back at me....my sister is traumatized and she begged me to go back so this is the best choice for her," he said.

"There's no turning back but you should remember my warning to you....the universe will make things come full circle," we sighed.

We let Barry go save his mother, not knowing the price his little sister, Hazel is going to pay because of him changing the past.

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