Chapter 16 Matt

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Gus leaves and i head back inside seeing my brother fantically texting someone, "hey Matt, my boss is coming over tonight unexspectly, would you mind helping me clean up before-" a knock on the door interrupts Steve, "you greet your boss, i'll clean the kitchen" i state.

He sighs in relife, "thanks bro your the best" he walks out of the kitchen and i start cleaning, i place dishes in the dish washer, put up extra food, and wipe down the counters before walking into the living room, spoting my brother and a woman dressing a emrealed suit, "oh, Maranda this is my brother, Matt this is my Boss Maranda" Steve states, i wave akwardly at the lady, she turns her head and something seems fimiler about her, but i can't quite pin point it.

"nice to meet you, now about bussninss, i regreat to inform you i'm going to have to let you go" she states, me and Steve stand frozen, "why?" Steve asks, "bugget cuts, happends to the best, we've been putting much money into some special equitment, so i have to cut you out, i'm very sorry" Steve sits their broken, this job was the only thing keeping him a float, keeping us a float.

"if you wouldnt mind, i need to head to the restroom, where would yours be?" she asks like she didn't just destory my brother's livly hood, "down the hall to the left" I mummble, she smiles and walks away, i move beside my brother, "it will be ok" he says putting on a brave face, i know its a lie, this job was the last resort.

"Steve, don't lie to me" i whisper he sighs and stands up, "just point Maranda out, i- i'm going to take a breather" he says walking out the door, i cleanch my fist, thinking more with my heart than my head, i march down the hall to the bathroom to go yell at her, but get confused when the door is wide open, slowy going futher down the hall i aproch my room, pushing the door open i see Maranda searching my room "what are you doing" i say making my presents known.

"Matt, or should i say Spider_Hunter" i freeze, i start to back out of the door when a metal arm moves swiftly past me shutting the door, i knew i reconized her face, "Doc Oct" i mummble "in the fleash and i have a sneaky suspion you know who spiderman is, tell me and your brother will magically get his job back" she says.

I really want to help my brother, but risking Gus's life isnt worth it, it would be trading a life for a life and that doesnt seem fair, "no" i state, "sorry, i must have misheard you" she says giving me another chance, "no, regarless if i know or don't know the identiy of spiderman is none of your concern" i stand firm on my word.

"fine, then maybe he'll save you for that information" she states before swinging another tentical towards me and crushing my ribs with her claws, she swings us out the window and i see my brother catch sight of us before he faded, we arrived outside an old wearhouse where Doc Oct makes a small video, before i even knew what was going on the video was sent to Gus.

"now we wait" she states, tying me to a chair "why do you want to know who spiderman is so badly?" i ask trying to keep her talking "because, he destroyed my life" she states sitting in mid air with help of her robot arms, "did your friend ever tell you how he became spiderman?" she asks.

I'm smart enough to know she wants me to admit i know who spiderman is, "no, because we're not friends and i don't know his idenity" i state with a smug look, "smarter than you look kid" she whispers "one of my exspirmence escaped, find this spider boy and giving him powers that should be mine!, later he busted into my lab fighting some person, spilling a cemical i had been working with, on to a peice of tech that was highly exspensive, long story short, that peice of tech controls my whole system that attached itself to my nervosytem, i want to know who he is to thank him" she said with a smile.

that doesnt sound to bad right? why kidnap me to do that? "i want to thank him, so i can suck the powers out of him and use it to make myself more powerful!" she shouts, there it is, I sigh internally, its always about power, or money, so some shitty marking sceme.

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