(C. 12) The Play

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A/N okay guys, we're gonna blast through this. Trying to keep this part down to two/three chapters tops. Get ready for a long one.


Once the doors to the building opened and guests began to arrive, Fukuzawa had lead Y/n and Rampo out into the lobby. While Fukuzawa kept a watchful eye on the populace from a balcony, Rampo and Y/n were seated behind him on a couch.

Y/n was trying her best to behave properly but, having never received any education on what such a thing meant, she was simply sitting very quietly with her back pin straight and her hands folded in her lap. To her side, Rampo was doing the exact opposite: lounging, spread out on the sofa, and complaining.

"I'm starving." he sighed, "And I'm not getting that job. Whatever. Someone is going to die soon and this theater is gonna be shut down."

"I wont let the murder happen." Fukuzawa calmly replied, "That's why I was called here. Neither the theater not the municipal police are taking the threat seriously. Regardless of the motivation behind it..."

"It's not a threat." Rampo interrupted and Y/n turned to him curiously.

"What makes you say that?" she asked, cocking her head slightly to the side as Fukuzawa turned to face them.

"The language is wrong." he shrugged.

"I guess it did sound more like a warning than anything else..." Y/n trailed off, a finger to her chin in thought, "A threat does tend to offer options, after all."

"Two usually." Rampo nodded, "'Do ABC, or I will do XYZ.' That's what a threat sounds like. Right now, all we have is a warning saying 'we're going to kill a performer.' So, it's not a threat so much as a declaration. The attacker has made no demands of the theater."

"When did you realize that?" Fukuzawa asked.

"When I heard what the letter said." Rampo replied.

Fukuzawa's eyes grew wide at the notion.

"I didn't realize until he pointed out that it wasn't and really thought about it." Y/n admitted, feeling rather out of place and beginning to pick at the sleeve of her sweater.

"Why didn't you say anything, if you knew?"

"I didn't think you'd misinterpreted the warning as a threat."

"Rampo, do you believe everyone else notices all the things you notice?"

Rampo nodded.

"They just don't say anything. Or they're idiots. Y/n here seems to get it though."

"What do you mean?" she asked, brow furrowed.

"You say things too, when you notice them." he shrugged, "Like that he keeps talking about preventing the crime when all he's been asked to do is arrest the perpetrator once its over. Also you specifically called the perpetrator a man and when I brought up that the letter wasn't a threat, you said it was a warning instead."

Y/n's cheeks flushed slightly pink and she waved her hands dismissively.

"I was just guessing with the man thing. Most criminals are men, after all."

"What can you two gather of me from what you see?" Fukuzawa asked and they both turned back to him, "You said you have nowhere to stay tonight."

They both nodded in agreement.

"You can stay the night at my place. Both of you."

"Again?" Rampo asked, perking up immediately.

"Really?" Y/n exclaimed at the same time.

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