We got closer and closer to her castle. When we got inside we watched as many of the demons moved into a portal. Lilith stood there covered in demonic blood. She was completely naked.

"Lilith," Jace called. She turned smiling.

"Friends. Lena," She opened her arms. She stepped toward me, but Jace pushed me behind him.

"You're down burning her," He said.

"Family matters do not involve you Jace," She shook her head. 

Behind her, Melijorn jumped from the ruins with his spear ready to slash into her, but her wings formed before he could hit her. She turned slicing through him as she transformed into her true form flying into the sky.

"Melijorn," Isabelle ran to him.

"Oh shit," Jace said. We all knelt around him.

"It'll be alright," I put pressure on his wounds. He grimaced letting his head fall back a bit. "We got this." 

"Where do you think she's going?" Isabelle asked.

"To find Magnus, but he can handle her," I breathed. I pressed my hands down harder getting a groan from Melijorn. "Sorry. Sorry. I have to keep pressure."

"I'm dead." He breathed.

"You aren't going to die," Isabelle said.

"We are going to do everything we can," Jace explained. 

He was finally figuring out how to work his way around the Seelie truth shit cause Melijorn was going to die if we didn't get him help fast, but we were in Edom. The only help for him was us and I couldn't heal him. None of us could.


"Do you need some help?" Magnus. 

I couldn't help but smile even in these circumstances. He looked like usual. The same wardrobe and makeup. 

"Melijorn was attacked by Lilith. One of her wings sliced right through him," Jace said as we moved back.

"We will do everything we can," Magnus added. I moved back getting pulled into a hug by him. "I'm so sorry Bean." He let out a long breath. "I'm so so sorry for the things I did and said."

"Mag, it's fine."

"No, it's not fine, if I ever speak to you like that ever again you better beat me up," He said as he leaned back his eyes moving to my neck. "You're burned."

"It's hell." I gently pushed his hands off. "Fix Melijorn."

"Lilith is looking for me," Magnus said. He moved his hands over the wounded Seelie.

"Lena!" Alec came through the portal. A small whimper left my lips as he wrapped his arms around me. I never thought I would see him again. 

"I'm never letting go of you ever again. You understand? You are staying with me 24/7, every minute. God Linny," He breathed as he buried his head in my neck. I grimaced slightly but didn't let go of him.

"She's burned, be careful," Isabelle warned. He let go immediately looking over me. He looked at my arms, my burned shirt, and my neck.

"I feel like Jonathan," I grimaced. Clary came forward.

"Lena," She gave me a quick hug.

"Glad to see we've got you back on the right side," I said. She smiled.

"I get to yell at you after this," She pointed at me.

"Me too," Alec added. "But that's after we get married the moment we get back." I moved forward pulling Alec to me as I kissed him. "I love you."

Til The Bitter End | Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now