"Hey, are you okay?" a concerned voice cut through Nori's grief, and the door to the bathroom swung open to reveal a young Hiro. His eyes were wide with empathy, though they didn't yet know each other's names.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," Nori lied, quickly wiping his tears away with the back of his hand.

"Good, I hope so," Hiro said, clearly not convinced. "I heard some guys in the hall talking about making someone cry. You shouldn't let bullies get to you like that. Stand up for yourself or tell a teacher, don't let them get away with being mean."

Nori remained silent, his emotions churning inside him like a storm. Hiro hesitated, then added, "I hope your day gets better," before leaving the bathroom.

As the door clicked shut behind him, Nori found himself staring at his own tear-streaked reflection in the mirror. Something within him shifted, and he knew that he couldn't continue to be a target any longer. The memory of Hiro's words clung to him like a lifeline, fueling a newfound determination to stand up for himself.

Nori stormed out of the bathroom, his face still flushed from the tears and humiliation. As he passed by a mirror in the hallway, he caught sight of himself, his eyes red-rimmed and puffy. The anger and frustration he felt bubbled up inside him like molten lava, and he could no longer stand to be a victim. He clenched his fists tightly, drawing strength from Hiro's advice.

"Enough," he whispered to his reflection. "This ends today."

Lunchtime rolled around, and Nori found his tormentors gathered near the courtyard, laughing and shoving each other playfully. Their laughter grated on his ears, igniting the fire within him. He approached them with purpose, his eyes locked onto theirs, unwavering.

"Hey!" he shouted, startling them as they turned to face him. "You think you're so tough, don't you? Picking on someone just because they're different?"

"Look who finally grew a backbone," one of the bullies sneered, stepping forward. "What are you gonna do about it, rich boy?"

Nori didn't hesitate. With a swift punch, he sent the bully reeling backward, his nose bleeding profusely. The others stared, dumbfounded, before they rushed at him. Nori fought back with fervor, holding his own against their onslaught. His rage fueled every blow, every kick, until they lay battered and bruised on the ground, groaning in pain.

"Maybe now you'll think twice before picking on someone," Nori spat, his chest heaving from the exertion.


The headmaster's office was cold, much like the man himself. As Nori sat there, waiting for his parents to arrive, he contemplated the consequences of his actions. Would this newfound defiance only lead to more trouble?

His parents entered the room, their expressions blank. The headmaster explained the situation, and Nori braced himself for their fury. Instead, they simply offered the school a large sum of money for a new gymnasium. The headmaster accepted the offer with a greedy glint in his eyes and let Nori off with a warning, but Nori knew that wouldn't be the end of it.

As he walked home, anxiety gnawed at him like a relentless beast. He recalled the last time he had cost his parents money; they had cut his grocery budget so severely that he nearly starved. This time, the amount was much larger, and the impending punishment loomed like an ominous shadow.

Fear consumed him as he approached a bridge over a river. The water's dark surface seemed to call out to him, promising a solution—an escape—though not without a price. He climbed onto the edge, his heart thundering in his chest. As he teetered on the brink, a new fear gripped him—the fear of dying. He didn't want to jump, but neither did he want to face the wrath awaiting him at home. He felt trapped, caught between two equally horrifying fates.

Nori's breath hitched as a strong grip yanked him away from the edge, pulling him back to solid ground. Disoriented, Nori found himself staring into Hiro's wide eyes, fear etched across his face—an emotion that mirrored Nori's own.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Hiro demanded, his voice shaking but stern. "You could've fallen!"

Nori fought to control his racing heart, swallowing the lump in his throat. "I... I was just trying to see the bottom," he lied, but the words tasted bitter and hollow on his tongue.

"Are you insane?" Hiro scolded, releasing Nori's arm. "It's way too dangerous to be up there like that!"

"I know," Nori admitted with a defeated sigh. "It was stupid."

"Promise me you won't do something like that again," Hiro insisted, searching Nori's eyes for sincerity.

"Okay," Nori agreed reluctantly, feeling an unfamiliar warmth fill his chest as he realized that someone—Hiro—cared about his well-being.

"Good." Hiro rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "I've seen you around school, you know. We should hang out tomorrow."

"Really?" Nori couldn't help the surprised joy that bubbled within him at the prospect of having a friend for the first time in his life.

"Definitely." Hiro smiled, extending his hand. "I'm Hiro, by the way."

"Nori," he replied, shaking Hiro's hand firmly. Hiro gave him one last reassuring smile before taking off, leaving Nori to continue his walk home with a newfound sense of hope.

But as he stepped through his front door, his heart sank. His parents stood waiting, suitcases packed and ready to go. They coldly informed him that he would be sent to a school for delinquents due to his behavior. Nori's protests fell on deaf ears.

"Please," he begged, desperation clawing at his insides. "I just made a friend—"

"Enough!" his father snapped, silencing him. Two men entered and dragged Nori and his belongings to the waiting hover car. He struggled, but it was futile.

His parents didn't even say goodbye as they turned their backs on him, leaving him with the crushing realization that he might never see Hiro again.


The koi pond shimmered in the twilight, and silence filled the space. Hiro stood on the footbridge beside Nori, his heart racing as the weight of Nori's story settled heavily within him. Anger and sadness mixed within Hiro, creating a storm of emotions as he tried to find the right words.

"God, Nori," Hiro breathed out, shaking his head in disbelief. "I had no idea you went through all that. I wish we'd become friends back then."

Nori gave a bitter laugh. "Yeah? Maybe things would've been different... but who knows?" He leaned on the bridge railing, gazing down at the water. "You always try to save people, Hiro, even when they don't deserve it." The implication wasn't lost on Hiro, who tensed for a moment before relaxing with a sigh.

"Maybe, but it's never too late to turn things around, Nori," Hiro said, turning to face him with determination in his eyes. "You deserve better than what you've been given."

Nori studied Hiro's face, his own expression softening. Without warning, he leaned in and caught Hiro off guard with a perfectly timed kiss. As their lips met, Hiro's thoughts were momentarily silenced—his mind filled only with the sensation of Nori's warm breath and the gentle pressure against his mouth.

Soul Drive: IgnitionWhere stories live. Discover now