Start from the beginning

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

"I hope something awesome happens today.~" Elyssa said, obviously thinking of hot guys.

~10 minute time skip~

We both looked up in awe at the enormous and...pink buildings?? We opened the doors to see hundreds of girls fangirling to some group of guys.

I didn't know this school also had players....

While I was distracted by the tsunami of fan girls, I felt two warm hands cover my eyes.

"Is it you Ash?" I ask taking the pair of hands off my eyes. I turn around to Ash and his adorable goofy smile. I gave a small nod to my friend and he pulled me into a hug. His strong arms wrapped around around me tightly, as if he saw me for the first time in 100 years.

He let go and he hugged Elyssa. I looked over my shoulder and saw the fan girl tsunami growing.

I turned my attention back to Ash and Elyssa as they let go of each other. We decided to explore some of the school before class started.

The halls were huge!!! The walls were filled with perfectly carved designs that just looked majestic. On the other side were giant windows, which you could see the beautiful school campus.

We were all were in awe of the school's beauty, but I didn't show it. I showed an emotionless face, with ruby red eyes studying every little detail.

Ash had his arms around me and Elyssa. I don't know why but whenever I was in his arms, I felt safe. Wish I had that whenever my father hit me.


The bell rung making Elyssa jump. I gave her a 'really THAT scared you' look.

We all walked to our class since we all had honors. Making our way through the crowds of yellow and blue, we reached our class.

Ash and Elyssa are part of wealthy families. Ash's family was wealthy for video game designing, and so far there games are the best of the best. Elyssa's family is wealthy for fashion design and their clothes are expensive!!

I got in here by scholarship, because I am NOT going to allow myself to rely on my father for my education.

Ash and Elyssa only found out about the school a couple weeks prior and their families literally dropped everything to sign them up.

"Ahh!! Class please welcome our newest classmates to A-1." Chirped the teacher. "Please introduce yourselves!!" She gestured to us. I used my bangs to hide my eyes, since I don't think it's really common to HAVE ruby red eyes.

"I'm Ash Baker." When he said that, he got the attention of nearly every girl in class (they had hearts in their eyes).

"I'm Elyssa Martinez." All the boys began to look at her (also had hearts in their eyes)

"Hi...I'm Alva Blackburn." I said a little quieter than my friends. I don't like attention ok? I slightly looked up (to not show my eyes) and saw the boys still had hearts in their eyes, most likely still staring at Elyssa and ignoring me completely.

I found a seat in the back that no one seemed to notice and I sat there. Elyssa sat next to these red-haired twins and feminine brunette dude. Ash was about to sit in front of me, but one girl grabbed his sleeve and sat him next to her and like 10 other girls.

At least I'm not noticeable.... I hate being around people!!

I got my sketchbook out of my bag and began drawing the best sketch I could make of my mother's grave.

I like to draw, to me it's a distraction from everything. I was pretty good too.

~Time Skip To After School~

"This is bullcrap!!!! Our first day and we have to study for 4 different tests!!" Elyssa said annoyed and stressed out. Me, Ash and Elyssa got together after class.

"What if we found a place, and studied a bit of each." Ash suggested. Me and Elyssa nodded at the idea.

"I heard that one of the old music rooms doesn't get used, I think it was 3?" I said, remembering a conversation these two guys had in class.

When we all agreed, we got our textbooks and headed up the many flights of stairs. Ash and Elyssa were having a huge argument over who was the strongest character in "Kingdom Hearts". Elyssa said Sora while Ash said Mickey. I mentally face palmed myself for bringing both of them to study.

"Sora is way stronger than Mickey!!" She'd shout.

"Are you kidding me!! Without Mickey, Sora wouldn't even have been a wielder!!" He'd yell back.





"Shut up already!!! You guys can settle this later, but now can we PLEASE talk about something besides that goddamn game!?!" I finally told them in a CLEARLY annoyed voice. They both looked at me.

"Ok, so what should we study for first?" Asked Elyssa while she shot a death stare at Ash.

"How about Science?" I suggested. They responded with nods.

We walked in silence till we reached 'Music Room #3'.

We opened the door only to be blinded by a shining light and rose petals.

"WELCOME TO THE HOST CLUB!!!" I heard 7 different voices welcome us in.

Oh no.....

A/N Hey hope you enjoyed the 1st chapter because I enjoyed making it with love_bottle please go check her out and support the story we will be making on her profile. And if the rest of the story didn't clear that last part for you, (which is stupid cause I kept repeating it) Alva doesn't like to be around people and whenever she's not with Ash and/or Elyssa she's not even a bit social. Even when she is with Ash and Elyssa, she doesn't show emotion and always has a blank expression AND she hardly talks.

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