My grip tightens even more and Night grunts, his eyes closed as he tries to suck in some air.

Another low growl escapes my mouth, but before I can do anything else the door swings open.
''Lieutenant.'' Soap walks in, shutting the door behind him.

His interruption makes me snap back to reality as I let go of Night's collar. He falls back into the chair, grunting due to the strain on his wrists and ankles. He lets out a few coughs, as he tries to catch his breath.

''Soap.'' I growl annoyed. ''Didn't I request not to be interrupted?''

''Good thing I did. You know we are not supposed to get physical.'' Soap cocks an eyebrow as he looks over at Night, and then back at me.

''Don't question my methods.'' I grumble. But I know he is right. If Price walked in instead of him I would be down for an earful.

''Anything?'' Soap asks quietly as he folds his arms over his chest, standing next to me.

I shake my head, my frustration rising once again. ''Still no details.''

''Uh..Ghost...another matter..'' Soap clears his throat as he gestures to stand a bit on the other side of the room. I follow him, so our conversation is a bit more private.
''Y/n..she is asking questions..'' Soap says quietly, as he keeps his gaze on Night. Making sure he doesn't pick up on our conversation.

''I trust you didn't tell her anything.'' I stay sternly, my eyes slightly narrowing at Soap.

''No! No.. naturally..'' Soap lets out a nervous chuckle. ''But she is smart..and it didn't take much for her to guess we have Night here..'' He swallows loudly, the tension rising as he waits for my response.

''Bloody fucking hell.'' I growl as I move my hand over my face, pacing back and forth in the room. I feel Night's eyes shift over to me.

Soaps eyes dart towards Night, then back at me. He swallows, as he is unsure how to continue.

I stop in front of Soap. ''Is she in med?''

He nods.

So she is now able to roam more freely, fucking great.

''I will talk to her.''

Night breaking his silence makes both of our heads snap towards him.

For the first time since we have him in custody, his eyes meet mine. A determined expression on his face. His dark eyebrows slightly furrowed.

I let out a condescending scoff, my eyes burning into him.
'"You dont think I am that fucking stupid, do you?'' I growl, frustrated he in fact did pick up on my conversation with Soap.

''No way will I let her anywhere near you. Traitor.'' I add, clenching my jaw.

Night stays quiet for a bit, his gaze focused on the floor again as he bobs his head rhythmically while thinking.

''She deserves to know why.'' He says firmly.

I jolt forward as the tension between us reaches its peak. This time I'm grabbing him full on at his throat. He wheezes as my grip tightens.

I bring my face threateningly close to him, my hot breath landing on his face as my anger rises.

''YOU don't fucking tell me what she deserves. I swear to God if you so much as BREATHE near her I will-..''

Soaps' firm tone makes me choke on my words. With a lot of reluctance, I let Night fall back into his chair.

He pants as he tries to catch his breath. I am raging, growling as I continue pacing in the room.

Aversion - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now