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"They live under our noses, operate in secrecy, relish in mischief and silently wait for us to fall into misery. Stay away from the charming and mischievous, my precious child.  "

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Covens are not rich. That should be the first thing they tell you when they during the inauguration ritual. Their coffers were heavy during the ancient times but in modern times, covens are just damn right poor. Especially the lower covens, which just happened to be the one Eliza was from. If it wasn't for the fact that she came from a long line of witches and wizards,  she would've never stepped foot in the Lovisa Coven. Truly, it was beyond her understand as to why anyone would willingly request to be part of their coven. 

Not only were they broke but they lacked power and connections. Surely, their coven was headed to extinction. Unless of course, some other coven swooped in and merged their coven into a bigger one. However, even that was unlikely for the Lovisa Coven-partially because there was nothing attractive about their coven  and it didn't have any value in terms of spells or artifacts. 

Perhaps that was for the better,  this way no one paid attention to them or even asked them to participate in the ridiculous events the bigger covens held every year. No one thought much of them so life in the Lovisa Coven was rather peaceful and amicable. 

Eliza still thought it would've been better if they weren't broke. 

She belatedly sighed as she scooped strawberry concentrate into a glass, pouring milk into the concoction, she swirled the drink and served it up to a waiting customer. She distractedly tapped the counter, if it weren't for the revenue the coffeeshop brought in, she was sure the coven would've crumbled to dust by now. 

Lovisa Coffee, the coven's business line, was pretty decent. The shop was popular and franchised which was a good sign they were on the right track. The Lovisa Coven may not have connections or power but they damn well had a knack for creating successful restaurants. Not that it mattered to other covens, she doubted they even knew about Lovisa Coffee was owned by the Lovisa Coven. 

"They barely remember the name of our coven. How would they recognize our businesses?" She mumbled into the palm of her hand. 

"You know, this coffee doesn't really taste like coffee." Terra remarked, popping up behind Eliza and scaring the life out of her. 

"Shit waffles, Terra! I told you to stop popping up behind the counter like that." She faced her friend with a scowl. 

Terra winked at her as she sipped her drink, "You look adorable when you're startled like that. It's a crime to expect me to not scare you." Terra grinned, rubbing Eliza's shoulders. 

"But seriously this coffee doesn't taste like coffee." 

Eliza looked over her shoulder and glanced at the drink. Her lips quirked into a crooked grin once she realized what was in Terra's cup, "That's probably because it isn't coffee." 

Terra froze, she stopped drinking and bewilderedly examined her drink, "Thi-this isn't coffee?" She uttered in a small voice, her hands shaking as she gaped at Eliza. She kept glancing down at her drink and at Eliza, terror took over Terra's face. Her face blanched, as recognition dawned on her face. 

Eliza turned away from her and covered her lips to prevent her laughter from spilling, her body trembled at Terra's scarlet face. 

Her mouth curved into a twisted smile, "You should probably work in the back today, Terra." 

Terra's emerald eyes shimmered with tears, "I can't believe I'm going to have rainbow colored hair for the rest of the day." She gripped her hair, "Look at me, Eliza! My features aren't designed to support rainbow colored hair!" She wailed in agony as she dropped to the floor. 

Eliza placed her elbow on the counter and supported her chin in the palm of her hand, she  gave Terra a lop-sided grin, "Don't forget the unicorn horn, your features wouldn't compliment that horn at all." 

Terra lurched forward with a petrified face, her hands instantly covering her gaping mouth, "NO ONE TOLD ME ABOUT THE HORN!" She punched the ground and sobbed in dismay. 

Eliza barely able to control herself, roared with laughter at Terra's predicament and her transforming rainbow colored hair. 

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 Latte here! I hope you enjoyed this preview lol. It was quite fun to write. I hope this lets you get to know the characters a bit more before the novel. Comment and like the preview! It makes me happy to interact with everyone. 

Good luck with final exams! 

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