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Eliza Bridget sprinted past the bustling crowds. The wind whipped her ebony locks and scorched her cheeks. The Lovisa Coven meeting started in approximately 20 minutes and she was running behind schedule.

Normally, she would've arrived early to the meeting but due to some unfortunate events involving multiple beer cans, a burnt frying pan, temporarily scarred neighbors and a ridiculously hot firefighter, she woke up flustered. She wouldn't have cared if she was a few minutes late to a regular coven meeting but this meeting wasn't like the other ones.

No, this meeting was very important.

A sigh of relief escaped her dry lips at the familiar Tim Hortons board. A nice refreshing cold brew would solve all of her problems while simultaneously granting her a clean state of mind. The intoxicating scent of coffee hit her senses and for a minute, she almost lost herself to the heavenly scent of coffee and freshly baked goods. Pinching herself, Eliza chewed  her bottom lip as she heard the annoying tick-tock of her watch. Her heart almost died of relief when it was her turn to order, she shot a quick smile. "I would like a medium vanilla cold brew."

Quickly paying, she darted over to the other counter to pick up her drink. Eliza couldn't wait to down the smooth cold liquid. 

"Here you go, miss." 

Darting to the subway, she greedily drank her cold brew. The velvet sweet liquid quenched her thirst and renewed her energy. She groaned, "Ahh this just made my day better."

Eliza checked her watch, she had 15 minutes left. She sighed, "I swear to god, I'm trashing that stupid frying pan when I get back home."

"Jesus, I know you have anger issues but what did the frying pan do to you?"

A deep scowl broke out on Eliza's face, mustering a fake smile. She turned around to face the brunet, "If it isn't Reed Nyx Drucislla."

He winked at her, "-And if it isn't my darling, Eliza Bridget. I see you're still a grumpy cucumber."

"You should be glad murder isn't on my agenda today" She growled then stared at his shoes, "Where the hell is your shoe?"

"The giant pothole required a noble sacrifice." He cheekily grinned.

Eliza rolled her eyes, "You aren't my favorite person today. How do you like the cold brew?"

"I'm not your favorite person any day." He retorted. He pointed to his cold brew, "Oh, you mean this? I've been vibing with it."

Eliza cocked her head, "Right? I lov-"

The wall to the left of them exploded pushing back tons of people. Screams erupted around them as children and parents scrambled to find each other. Eliza and Reed, shocked, stared at the gaping hole and turned pale when they saw numerous eyes observing them.

Reed dropped his cold brew and mumbled, "Oh shit." 


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