Now it was my turn. Did I love Kyle? Of course I did. But those three little words were so hard to say. I wanted to say them so bad, but I couldn't seem to get them out. But I didn't have to worry about that bc at that moment Kyle leaned in and pressed his lips to mine.

He tasted amazing, like raspberry peace tea. The sensation was amazing. I felt like I was on fire. This was my first kiss, and it was with Kyle. And it was perfect.

When he finally pulled away I took a second to catch my breath before pulling him in again. I placed my lips centimeters away from his ear. "I love you too." I murmured, I felt his lips smile against my cheek.

"We should get back home." Kyle suggested, taking my hand. Suddenly flashbacks of what Bryan did flooded through my head.

"" I whispered out. "I'm never going back!" I screamed out as I took to my feet.

"Johnnie..." Kyle trailed off. I looked around frantically and started running. I could hear Kyle chasing after me, but I didn't stop. After a few minutes of running he was out of sight. Thankfully his girl jeans were tighter than mine, so I was able to get away.

I slowed down and caught my breathe. My feet were on fire, due to the lack of shoes. But they didn't hurt that bad. I was used to not wearing shoes because I have no decency. Just as I turned a corner I saw Kyle. How did he find me?!

"Johnnie.. please. Tell me what's wrong. I really care about you." He said stopping me, his voice cracked and it was obvious he was holding back tears.

"It was Bryan." I said emotionless.

"What did he do Johnnie!" Kyle demanded, he sounded angry. This was a part of Kyle I had never seen. He was filled with angst and testosterone. This turned me on. All of the sudden I crashed into him, forcing my lips on his. Eveything around me was going a million miles a minute, and this was the only thing I could think to do.  At first kyle was taken aback, but his lips soon melted into mine.

"I want you, now." I whispered into his ear. I took a step back to look at Kyle. His eyes were wide.

"Really Johnnie?" He asked looking deep into my eyes. "You've been through so much. Are you sure you're ready for this?"

"I'm ready Kyle. I'm ready for you, to be inside me." I whispered as I licked his cheek. Kyle shivered under my touch.

"I know exactly where to go." He said grabbing my hand, our fingers interlocked has he dragged me to this unknown location. Soon the path was becoming seemingly familiar.

"We're almost there." He said as we walked. The sexual tension building up was unbelieveable, I could barely stand it. Soon we arrived at the mysterious destination. It was our beloved Chipotle.

"What?" I asked confused. "In here?"

"This is where I realised I loved you, and this is where I will prove it." He stated while smiling. My eyes started welling up with tears. I was so happy.

"C'mon." He grabbed my hand and pulled me through the door. I was in such a state of happiness and love I wasn't even paying attention to anyone else. But soon a voice broke my dream like state.

"Sir, sir. Sir!" The cashier shouted at us.

"Yesh?" I asked confused.

"You.. you can't be in here with no shoes on.." She said raising an eyebrow. She was obviously disgusted by my feet, like many people are.

"Oh sorry, but I just have to use the bathroom." I said, making deep eye contact with kyle, biting my lip. I looked up at the cashier who's mouth was wide open.

"Is anyone seeing this?" She questioned looking around. We ignored her and walked to the bathroom. As we walked I grabbed Kyle's dick through his pants. Many disgusted gasps were let out by customers, but we ignored them.

We swiftly shut the door behind us and locked it. I looked up at Kyle who was gleaming with delight.

"Are you ready?" He asked me, looking me up and down. It was obvious he was undressing me with his eyes.

"Yes." I whispered "Fuck me daddy." I screamed in a high pitched voice.

He quickly pulled off my shirt and I proceeded to do the same to him. Soon our lips crashed once more. And I was so ready to take him. We both quickly stripped down and I bent over.

"Go ahead." I whispered. I waited there a few moments eager to be filled with Kyle. But soon I heard sobs. I quickly turned back around.

"I...I'm sorry Johnnie. It looks like it was me who wasn't ready for this. I..I can't get it up..." He whimpered, refusing to make eye contact with me. His cries echoed around the bathroom.

"Hey, it's okay Kyle."I said petting his hair. "You're not ready, and that's okay. I still love you." Kyle had comforted me so many times, it was my turn to comfort him. I wiped his tears and lifted his head up. He looked at me and sadly smiled.

"Here.. lets go home. Okay?" I suggested

"O..okay." Kyle sniffled out as he gathered his clothes. We quickly changed, and made our way out. We looked around. Everyone in the restaurant was watching us, with wide eyes. Some people were covering their mouths in shock. We ignored them, interlocked our fingers, and proudly walked out.

When we walked out Kyle kissed my cheek and hugged me. As we kissed someone in a moving car screamed out 'faggots' at us. And the night was perfect.

*Authors note*

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