Chapter Three

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I took a deep breath and continued my explanation  "That's why I called you over." I trailed off. "Because I didn't know what to do. I needed help, and I didn't know how to protect myself anymore." I choked out, holding back tears. Suddenly, Kyle took my hands.

"Don't worry Johnnie. As long as I'm here, no one is going to hurt you." He said softly, a reassuring smile was cast over his face. Ever since I met Kyle, I'd always felt close to him. We talked constantly over the phone, but this brought us even closer. I finally felt calm. But there's always calm before a storm. Kyle started leaning in, and I mimicked this. We got closer and closer till I could almost feel his lips brushing against mine. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and our lips barely touched before we were interrupted.

"Hey guys!" Bryan's voice said breaking the silence I could see his phone in hand as he documented this moment with snapchat. "I'm here with my best friends Johnnie and Kyle!" he exclaimed, his voice straining at the word 'kyle'. The ten seconds of that snapchat were the longest of my life.

He took a seat right next to me, I could feel his skin pressed against mine and I cringed. "What do you guys wanna order?" He asked smiling. He was acting normal for once. Like the Bryan that I had known from my horrors wasn't even real.

I strained to speak but finally opened my mouth "I..uh.. I don't know." I replied quietly. Trying not to sound utterly terrified. Kyle shot me a reassuring glance, soothing my soul.

"Well... I don't know about you guys. But I've been craving a burrito all day." Bryan said getting up. As soon as he was out of peripheral vision I looked at Kyle. Concern masked his face.

"What was that?" He questioned. His voice cracking in fear.

"I.. I don't know." I said quietly, I pushed back salty tears. Refusing to cry in front of my assaulter. I carefully looked up and searched for Bryan among the crowd. There he was, in line. He looked at the two of us and smiled, giving us a thumbs up then waving. I could see the evil in his eyes.

Soon he got his food and headed back to our table. Each step filled me with more and more dread. "Hey guys, I'm back. But, I think I'll go back to our home." He said as he turned to leave, as he brushed past me he softly caressed my hair. This made my stomach vile churn and make me sick.

As soon as we heard Bryan leave kyle took my hand once more and rubbed it reassuringly. "Don't worry Johnnie. You're safe with me." He whispered while making eye contact with me. Suddenly I felt a bulge in my pants. That was the first time I had, had an erection since my dad's funeral.

"Well guess we should be getting home." Kyle suggested as he looked down at his phone. "It's almost nine o'clock."

"Yeah we should." I replied looking down. Fear building up inside me. Surely Bryan wouldn't try anything on me with Kyle so close, but I couldn't be sure. I pulled my hoodie up and made my way out. I kept my head down avoiding Kyle's eyes

Suddenly he stopped me. "Hey, hey don't be afraid." He said smiling. "I've got you." This made me happy and I finally was able to put my head up. With Kyle by my side. The devil couldn't hurt me.

A Kohnnie Fanfiction: The Devil is EverywhereWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu