Chapter Two

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I led Kyle to the living room where we sat on the couch. "So why'd you invite me over here anyways?" Kyle asked loudly.

"Shhh" I hissed and responded in a low whisper, aware of Bryan's eyes focused on us from the kitchen, "keep your voice down, we're not safe here."

Kyle shot me a confused look. I gave him a meaningful glance before clearing my throat. "Uh Bryan?" I looked over not surprised to see Bryan already looking directly at me.

"Yes Johnnie?" Bryan was cleaning a large knife with a dish towel.
I cringed wondering what he was planning on using it for, "me and Kyle are gonna go grab some food, we'll be back soon. Okay?"

Bryan tilted his head to the side and smiled, knife still in hand, "okay."
I felt Kyle tense up beside me. He knew something was up.

I wasn't expecting it to be so easy to get out of the house. Not with the recent lockdown I had been under because of my psychotic roommate. Maybe kyle's presence was helping more than I had anticipated.

As soon as we got outside I felt kyle's hands on my shoulders spinning me towards him. "What the hell is going on Johnnie?" He shouted.

I opened my mouth to speak but the words vanished when I looked up at our apartment building. In the window of my bedroom was a strange shape. I gasped when I realized what.. Or rather who it was. Bryan. He was looking down at us, expressionless.

Kyle followed my gaze and put his hand to his mouth when he saw what I saw. "J..Johnnie.." He began, reaching for my hand.
I was shocked when I felt his fingers interlock with mine, sending shivers down my spine. But this was no time for distractions. "Run." I whispered, not taking my eyes off Bryan.
Kyle obeyed.

We ran all the way to chipotle. I was surprised my tight girl jeans hadn't ripped. We stopped outside the door to catch our breath. I smiled when I realized his hand was still in mine.
We walked in, a blast of cool air blowing my scene hair back. The air conditioned restaurant felt great against my sweat covered skin. I was sure I looked dreadful and I wouldn't be surprised if my eyeliner had run. That was my first doing physical activity since my father's death.

Me and Kyle sat down at a table in the corner, not worrying about ordering food yet.
Kyle look at me expectantly. I sighed. Suddenly the story poured from my lips. "It all started one night, not too long ago. I was dead asleep. You know how sometimes someone is staring at you so hard that you can feel it?" Kyle nodded, I continued, "well this particular night I felt that sensation so strongly that it woke me up. When my eyes adjusted to the darkness I saw a figure on the end of my bed. Just. Staring. I pulled out my phone and pointed the flashlight at the stranger. But this man was no stranger. It was Bryan." I paused taking a deep breath. " of course I was freaked out. I screamed for him to leave and get out. He just smiled and slowly walked to my door. I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night. After this I thought my problems were over. But it got weirder. Every night Bryan would sit at the foot of my bed and every night he got closer. And the closer he got, the louder his words became." I felt a single tear slide down my cheek, " I can still hear them ringing in my ears. 'Soon my dark angel, soon'"

A Kohnnie Fanfiction: The Devil is EverywhereWhere stories live. Discover now