Chapter 10

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December 12th, 8:04 PM


Y/n was close to closing the café for the day, it's been a few days since she started school. Yunjin had left at about 6 PM to finish her homework. Right when she placed the mop back, the door swung open with a happy noise coming from it.

"I'm sorry but we're closed for the ni-" Y/n was going to check the customers but turns out it was somebody else.

"Hey Beomgyu, didn't expect you to be out so late" Y/n placed her hands in the pockets of her apron.

It's been a few days since she had met Beomgyu, they had become close to eachother as they hung out together at school.

"Neither did I, you still haven't closed?" Beomgyu took steps towards gently Y/n.

"Not yet.. I just finished cleaning. O was about to close it" Y/n spoke. Beomgyu didn't a smale 'o' face as
Y/n chuckled lightly.

"I must've been a disturbance, my bad" Beomgyu turned around to leave.

"No way, come back here" Y/n ran to him and held his wrist playfully. Beomgyu turned his head to Y/n to see her smiling.

"Since you're already here, help me wrap up a few things for Christmas will you?" Y/n tilted her head as she asked for the help of Beomgyu.

"Hmm, depends on what I get in return" Beomgyu teased.

"Welllll, I've already got you a present, but I still have to wrap it" Y/n said while crossing her arms.
"I'll do it! I didn't know you got me a gift" Beomgyu smiled. Y/n smirked and took Beomgyu to the kitchen where all the gifts were laying on the ground with 20 wrappings near them.

" bought these?" Beomgyu wowed. "Jinnie helped so it was no problem" Y/n spoke as she placed her hands on her waist.

"I hope your mother knows you're going to be late" Y/n looked at Beomgyu.

"Nah, these are too easy, just watch me finish it in ten minutes" Beomgyu flexed.


30 minutes later

"I'm on my eleventh gift, hurry up and finish your second" Y/n laughed at Beomgyu struggling to wrap the presents.

"Shush, I'm trying my best" Beomgyu whined. "You said you'd finish in ten minutes" Y/n kept laughing while Beomgyu felt like a fool. "Stop, I hate you" Beomgyu rolled his eyes.


9:43 PM

"Oo whose present is this?" Beomgyu picked up a video game, a game which is his favorite. It was the newest version of it so it got Beomgyu excited to be holding it.

"It's for my distant friend. She loves that game" Y/n made up a quick excuse.

"Didn't know girls played this game" Beomgyu spoke as she earned a slap on the shoulder from Y/n. "You're crazy for saying that, no wonder why I have friends who are feminists" Y/n murmured.

"Sorry, sorry" Beomgyu begged for forgiveness.

"Stop oh my gosh you're no beggar being richer than me a hundred times" Y/n spoke. "Don't say that, I'll throw you out the window to the cold rain, you're unique in your own way, you managed to open yourself this big ass café all by yourself" Beomgyu praised her as Y/n chuckled lightly to the ridiculous words coming out of Beomgyu's mouth.

"Whatever, since we're done with it. Let's hurry up and leave" Y/n patted Beomgyus shoulder as she got up.

They both went to the door to see the drops on the door from the rain. "I forgot it was going to rain today" Y/n sighed.
"Me too.." Beomgyu added, if he had known he'd bring an umbrella.

"Should we just run home?" Beomgyu suggested.

"Good idea" Y/n agreed. Beomgyu took out his oversized Grey jacket and placed it on top of Y/n while covering her eyes, her unable to see anything as she laughed and took it off. "Take this back you're going to catch a cold" Y/n threw it back to Beomgyu.

"Sure..if you say so" he didn't hesitate to give it back to her. Why? He has a better a plan.

They both went out the café as Beomgyu waited til' Y/n locked the café.

All of the sudden, Beomgyu threw his jacket over Y/n and ran off crazily fast. Y/n couldn't even say a single word to him before he had sprinted off. "Get home safely!" Beomgyu ran backwards while waking at Y/n. "I'll have to pay you back" Y/n whispered to herself.

Y/n then turned her back and went to her apartment way. Her apartment wasn't that close to the café or the school either.
It was pretty far, she decides to take short cuts from dark alleyways knowing it was pretty dangerous, but really, who would be out in this heavy rain? She wasn't scared of anything knowing none of these stuff happen here.


As Y/n walked through the alleyways to her apartment. She felt and arm on her shoulder. She looked over but there wasn't anyone. She thought she was just feeling weird and kept walking.
But something weird kept bugging her, why the lights were off in the rainy day and why alleyways looked way more scarier.

She kept whispering to herself "it'll be okay, it's safe here, no one has ever died in here" She kept speaking to herself.

Then she felt another tap on her shoulder. She looked back and..there was nobody. She sighed and turned her head back.

"Maybe you'll be the first one then" a voice spoke from the back as soon as she faced straight. She felt herself being slammed onto the cold rainy puddles...

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