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"As you wish your majesty"...replied the butler with a bow

     (Stars thought's)
It has been sometime now and lucas hasn't arrived..he must be pretty busy..
To be honest I already lost my appetite from all this thinking and waiting, I need some air.

   I stood up from my chair and started walking to the direction of the garden, of course the butlers and maid rushed after me.

I really need some space, I am still getting use to this whole new life and having this people follow my every move makes me anxious.
I hault my movements..
And started scrambling on my book

"Can I have some space I need to get some fresh air, don't follow me please" ....Star wrote and passed to the bulter....

"Of course your majesty sorry if we made you feel uncomfortable"....replied the butler with a bow...

I  smiled and walked our to the beautiful garden...

          Star takes a deep breathing...

I feel better now, I really needed this, I strolled to the bench beside the pond.....

I hope I don't wake up from this dream....


Star sat done near the pond filled with beautiful colourful fishes,  taking in the beautiful scenery....
Lost in thoughts she didn't realise that
the sun started going down, she realised she had started for to long and  decided it was time to head back inside and straight to her Chambers for her a short nap....

   Lucas pov

Reinforcement should be sent to the east and the people should be guarded safely to the north until the war stops...

   Ensure that every person involved in this war are captured and brought to the Palace
I will not tolerate the continuous loss of life for some stupid power drags.

I said rounding up the royal meeting

This morning I had ordered chief's from other regions to come together for this meeting, finally I can have some good night rest.

I have been so busy since this week because of the war in the east ,being king is no  easy job but I mean I have to do what i have to do, especially now I have my mate to protect...

Speaking of which, I haven't has enough time to spend with my queen...
I am just glad that some progress are being made in the east...

      Sometimes People you put in power to support the citizens are the ones that end up killing them just because of their greed..

And as king I should be able to protect them as much as I can...
     And to be honest I feel like I disappointed them..


I couldn't have lunch with star because of how busy I am but am trying to make sure she doesn't feel neglected, so right now am glad that the war has been resolved and we have been able to capture the culprits.

Knock knock

"Excuse me your majesty, the Princess is here.."Said one of the gaurd

"Let her in then"...replied lucas

"Hello brother"..greeted aliana

"How are you doing...asked lucas

"Good, I have something I would like to discuss with you, can you spare me sometime"...

"Sure go ahead"... replied lucas

"Its about the queen, when do you plan on announcing her presence to the kingdom"...asked lucaa

"That should not consince you aliana
I don't think she's ready for that yet"...stated lucas with a frown on his face..

  He doesn't like the idea of announcing star yet, till she's fully recovered.....

"I just wanted to know your plans about that
And also I got a call from mother, she will be back with brother on fifth night"

Oh really,  then that will be perfect then, make preparation for their arrival, anyways did you see star today, I have been busy with the war and other affairs of the kingdom I haven't had time to see star...

"I didn't see her for breakfast but the maids said her food was taken up yo her bedroom and for lunch I was out of the Palace..stated aliana..

"Okay, I really need to spend time with star  the last thing i want is for her to feel neglected again".. said lucas

"How about you leave some more work for i and mark to handle..that way you can have more time for star, after all this time you finally found her , she needs all the love she get...said aliana

"Thanks sis for the offer, that will really help.....
But I want you to focus more on the financial trade market, after all I will just have to find some time for my queen, I will make sure she doesn't feel that way:....said lucas

Aliana chuckle and said..."To be honest I am glad you finally found her and before no time she will complete open  up to you"

"Thanks sis"

"I will take my leave now, your majesty"...aliana said playfully with a bow..

After lucas finished he decided to leave
At home

      Lucas walked into his room to see the sleeping figure of star, unconsciously a smile appeared on his face...
He sat next to her as he stroked her hair and admired her beauty

" lucas in a soothing voice

Star opened her  eyes and looked at him.. at the sight of lucas a pinkish hush appeared on her cheeks..

"Did you sleep well baby"..asked lucas

Star nodded her head....

"Good, sorry I couldn't join you for lunch, hope you eat good and it was to you liking..

Star didn't know how to tell him that she skipped her lunch, which means she also skipped her meds tooo

She nodded her head

"Good, I really missed you today, can I get a hug"

Star was shocked by the request because usually  lucas would hug  her without asking for permission, the blush on her face deepened more as she sat up with lucas help and nodded her head...
   With that they had a very long and soothing hug that kind of conforted them and the doubts in their heart...

vicious king and his innocent mate Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang