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Star's pov

As we entered the dinner room..the first thing that caught my eyes was the  long golden table with numerous sits placed beside it.

The dinner hall is really large,as I turned I saw the some maids and the butler standing by the corner with their heads bowed down,

My eyes shifted to the table,there were different food,fruits placed on top of the table....Am pretty sure that we wouldn't be able to finish this on our own.

Lucas pulled out a sit for me,I sat down and he pulled it back in.

"Are you comfortable" he asked me

I nodded and smiled at him
He is so caring, even with the smallest things.

He went ahead to take his own sit at the other end of the table..

The distance between us is alot, I don't know if I like this much distance between us, its so weird am already feeling this way.

I mean we just met, and even thou fated mates are meant to love each other from the start, I still feel like I don't want to put all my faith in him yet...Am just too scared.

And honestly I wish I could get rid of this feeling, because deep down I know that lucas really loves and care for me..
I see it in the way he looks at me, No one has ever cared for me like he does...
But a part of me is still hesitant..

I was cut off from my thought when  one of the maids asked me what I would like to eat.
Everything  on the table looks good, I decided to go with the turkey, some rice, vegetables salad and a glass of mango juice,my favourite.

I can't really see what Is on lucas plate,the table was too full and the distance made it impossible to see.

I started eating my food slowly,

"Baby,I can't see you properly"....lucas suddenly stood up and started walking to my direction....some maids immediately carried his plate and his glass of wine and placed it just beside me...while lucas pulled out a chair and sat down..

"This is much better, this way I would be able to see you perfectly." he said sweetly

I couldn't help but blush..

"Go on now,eat your food darling"

I smiled at him, before I started eating, the food taste so delicious, I couldn't help but smile after every spoon...
I have never had my plate this full and delicious before....

I looked at lucas and noticed he wasn't eating but just taking sips from his glass of wine.

Everytime,I look at lucas I couldn't just help but wonder if all this is just a sweet dream, he is just soo handsome, with his dark hair and perfect set of black eyes that always manges to capture my attention every single time..

"You are staring baby."    ..lucas stated..

I didn't realise I was staring for so long,
Ohh no, i wish the ground could just open and swallow me,this is soo embarrassing..
I quickly averted my gaze, my face and neck turning bright red..

I heard him chuckle...this is soo embarrassing...
I didn't mean to stare for so long.

I felt this thumb stroking my checks,this action made me look up to met his burning gaze

"Baby there is nothing to feel embarrassed about, you can stare all you want, am all yours and you're all are my mate, star" replied lucas...

This is the first time je is calling me by my name, how did he find out.

"You can do what ever you want in this Palace,  Because whatever belongs to me also belongs to you baby,and you don't need to take permission from are my other half, my mate and my queen"....He said,

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