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Stars pov

We Walked around the garden, lucas hasn't left my hand since we left our room, the garden is so pretty...

There are so many roses,both white and red,sunflowers and other gorgeous flowers. I have never seen so many flowers in one places.

Lucas told me those white birds that I saw in the big fountain are swans,they are so pretty....

Lucas was right I think this will be the where I would visit most in the Palace.

The garden also has a pond,they were some colorful fishes,even ducks....
I never taught I would live to ever see such beautiful.

Lucas pov

As we went around the garden, I could see how her eyes sparkled at every little thing she saw,she looks so at ease now, more then she did when I saw her at study....  I wish she would be open with me and tell me all her problems.

But I have to also be patient with her, she has gone through so much already.

No matter how much time it takes, I will stick by her  side and make sure she's always happy.

After our tour of the garden,I lead her to the shade, so she could rest her legs
The maids had already prepared the brunch I asked for.

I pulled out her sit and she sat down,I took my own sit beside her.

I could see the curious stare in her eyes as she looked around the table,

"Baby,have some water First" I said as I placed a glass in front of her.

She looked at me,before taking a sip of the water in front of her... afterwards she immediately returned her gaze back to the table.

"Darling, what would you like to have first"

She bend down and Brought out her pen and book.

Thats true I just remembered that she has been carrying that with her,I waited for her patiently as she wrote down something

"Cake" was spelt out on the paper

I smiled,I put the plate of strawberry cake in front of her,I could see how her eyes lite up....she's so cute

"Eat up baby,you can have as much as you want"

She smiled

This is  the first time she's smiling at me, now I have an urge to do more times to make her happy.

She started taking small bite from the cake.....I  couldn't take my eyes off her...

I think she noticed I was staring at her and she immediately stopped..

She's writing something again

"Why aren't you eating" she wrote

I smiled," Don't worry about me darling, enjoy your cake" I said sweetly as I patted her hair

She nodded and continued with her cake

After brunch in the garden,the sun was already going done,we decided to head back inside.

           On our way back inside,I suddenly received a mindlink from Mark

"Your majesty,the cousel heads are in the court room and they are demanding to see you" Mark said

"What..exclaimed lucas,send them away...

"Okay,your majesty"mark said

The mindlink was cut off

Why would they come unannounced, annoying hooligans...thought lucas

I lead her back to our room.

"Baby,how about you get ready for dinner,I have some matter to attended to, I will be back very soon"

She nodded her head, I smiled down at her, before leaving the room.

After leaving the room, I instructed The body gaurd to keep a close eye on her and not let anyone into the room.

I stepped into the court room to see the commotion going on.

"Why are you all disturbing my peace?".I said before strolling into the court room..

They immediately bowed their heads

"We are king, but we wanted to see you urgently"

"But I don't want to see you,take your leave now"... I said sternly

"Please your majesty"..said another member
"We heard a rumor about you finding your mate..we wanted to know if this is true...

The frown on lucas face deepened and his fist tightened.....he walked to his throne and sat down....

"And where did you hear this from" Asked lucas

"It's what going round in the kingdom, your Majesty"

"Get out all of you" commanded lucas.

Shock could be seen on their faces, the head cousel of the kingdom consist of elders from different species,mostly werewolf but they were much more older than lucas...
   when lucas was chosen to be the next king of warkinkle, Majority of the counsel disagreed and decided to put lucas through a contest with different other people...

Rightfully after lucas father,he was meant to be next in line but  because he was too young and because their was no one to stand up for him...he had to fight for his own throne...

And that's when they lost the respect of their king....
Most members that decided to leave the cousel and rebel against lucas were seen as traitors and were either banished or killed.

"We are not small children you,can just tell you get out,we are your elders and be deceive some respect"...said elderly woman among then

"Should I cut your tongue, maybe that way you won't speak or else you are  asked to...
shivers ran through the woman's body,she knew that the king was not one to make an empty trait...

"Leave at once,I am starting to loose my patience, I also Didn't know my counsel heads are so gullible to believe what ever they hear"..

"I will call for a meeting, when I deem all of you leave....commanded lucas.

After that...they were all escorted out of the Palace by the gaurds....

In the court room sat lucas and mark who stood beside him...

"I don't like what am hearing" said lucas before he turned to Mark

"Am sorry your majesty" ,Mark bowed his head..." I thought we had everything undercontrol....

"Stop the rumour immediately"
commanded lucas before leaving the court room..

Stars pov

I had the best time today,I feel so happy..lucas really cares for me,he didn't even get upset when I eat all the strawberry cake...

I also had some ice cream, it has been so long since I had one and  I tasted so many other sweet things....I don't know how to thank him properly.

    I just finished taking my bath and getting dressed for dinner,we spent so much time in the pretty garden that we lost track of time.

I am still waiting for lucas, He said he has somethings to take care of.

To pass out time I decided to pick a book from the study and read..

I love reading and it has been so long I did it...Am just so happy that lucas is treating me right...I will have to find a way to thank him properly...

After some time, lucas came into the study...

"What are you reading baby" Asked lucas

I turned the book for him to see

"Let's go down for dinner,you already skipped lunch, I want to make sure I feed you properly...come on let's go"

He said as he took my hand softly before kissing it...I felt my heart flutter
He smiled and started leading me to the dinner room.

vicious king and his innocent mate Where stories live. Discover now