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As the ball was about to start all the maids and staffs at the supreme chief House were getting ready.

Lucas pov

"The royal guards has already arrived to the city..your highness" said his royal assistant

"Good mark,don't forget to make arrangements for my sisters visit to the viscount's auction" said lucas

"Okay your highness,If you will excuse me I will make arrangements for her travels"

As Mark left the room,lucas walked to the ceiling to floor window in his room,All that went through his mind was when will he finally meet his queen.

Lucas already lost hope,until the royal priestess told him to ignore the prophecies and hope for his mate very soon,time has passed and days has become years,even his wolf has given up and is now very silent.

A werewolf without is wolf is very dangerous,with time that person starts to wither away, that's why his people are so desperate for a queen

Lucas was know for how vicious he was to his enemies and his viral in the business world,Any mistake from his people was not forgiven twice.The only people lucas was patient with is this siblings and Mark his long time friend that became his assistant.

Rulers of many kingdom respect and feared lucas, for he was able to maintain peace between different mystical kinds,And lucas is loved by his people very much.

Lucas was said to be a diamond son of the goddess of moon,he has never lost a battle in all his life,his lands has been fruitful and envied by all.
But an alpha always needs his mate,his luna.

And that's why lucas attends different events that are hosted in his kingdom,maybe he might fine the one.

At the city of vale

It's evening, guest from all over warkinkle has started to arrive politians,chief's,elders and people of other hight prestige.

The ball room has been decorated and music has started to be played,All the mistress of the house has already started welcoming the guest,so has the supreme chief.

The servants has already started doing their work,a except the servants without scent.

In the werewolf kingdom,wolfs that lack scent are said to have gone through hardship in life or have already lost their mate to death.

As the supreme chief doesn't want any rumor to spread about him harbouring servants that has been abused,he prefers to have them hidden from the site of others.
As lucas arrival to the ball was made know to the people,they all bowed as custom to welcome the king.

Lucas pov

Lucas hates the fake smile the supreme chief gives out,he has already found out about his greedy nature and his plan to get the some lands in his kingdom.

Lucas was known to be a very smart king,and he usually let people act like they are fooling him before he strikes.

"Welcome your majesty"..said the chief as he bowed,Thank you for honouring my invitation "

Lucas nods and continue walking,seeing how he was ignored,he decided to follow the king

"Your majesty,I would like if we can have a talk in My study,I know you don't like crowded places,your majesty"....said the supreme chief

"I don't have time for that today, beth"
Lucas said sternly before waking out

True to his word,lucas actually hates crowdy places,because of the different scents around,and the most annoying part is that none of this is that of his mate.

"Your majesty,you look lost"..said mark his best friend and assistant

"Am very irritated right now,we will be leaving very soon"

"Why do you keep coming for this parties when you hate them so much,lucas"...said mark

(They usually address each other causally but when in public mark much show respect)

"Just get ready for my departure in twenty minutes mark,and how was my sisters travels"asked lucas

"She arrived safely and you don't have to worry about her security,only a mad man will try to get to her with all those guards around"

You have nothing to worry about"....said mark

"Good,find me in the garden when the preparations are complete,I want to be alone"..said lucas before walking to the direction of the garden.

As I entered the garden,finally some peace and free air,I didn't find her again,this process is becoming annoying

As I sat on the bench in the garden,I can sense my guards and mark,guarding the area.

Wait,I smell something,I feel my wolf,he smells it to

Can this be....


vicious king and his innocent mate Where stories live. Discover now