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Mate, Mate...

my wolf growls...I have never felt him this excited before.

But where is this scent coming from, I looked around the garden...but I'm the only one here except Mark and the guards.....

She has to be close by, but where?

Mark approached Lucas

"Are you okay Lucas, your eyes are glowing"
Said mark


"What" exclaimed Mark, shocked at what he just heard.

"My mate is somewhere here, I can sense it, this is the first time I am having this feeling and my wolf confirmed that it is true, we need to find her"......said Lucas

"Yes your highness, this is amazing news..finally...but the problem is that they are numerous females here, and it will take some time to find her in this crowd"

"I don't care, End party and n send everyone home. Am sure she was not in the hall, And her scent is still here even if it's very weak...that means she was here not too long" said Lucas

"Okay Lucas, I will send everyone home," said Mark as he bowed before leaving.

"Call Beth for me," said Lucas, I just hope it's not what am thinking.

"Okay," said Lucas as he bowed and left

After he left I decided to follow the scent, even if it was very weak, I can't afford to lose this chance after all these years of waiting...

After the announcement, guests started leaving most were angry, because they had come from a far distance but they knew better than to disobey the King's order...

Beth was angry, he walked to the garden to meet the king .....

"Your majesty, what's happening"

"Beth where do that places lead to", asked Lucas as he pointed in the direction of the storage

"That's the storage your highness Is there any pro...

Before Beth could finish his words the king took off In his wolf form.

Beth was bewildered, he knew the worst was about to happen..why will the king be acting like this...he hoped is not what his thinking.
Beth knew something was not right.

As Lucas ran in the direction of the house, the scent grew stronger...." she has to be here...said his wolf...

Star's pov

After I helped the others to serve the meal before the guest arrived.
I went back to the storage to help the other maids to work.

Star knew the chief gave instructions to not let her serve because of the scars on her least he hasn't called for her since that day...

As she was working she overheard the other maids gossiping

"The king just asked everybody to leave the ball"...

"What, why....that's very strange, what happened".

"Am not sure, I just saw as the guest were been escorted out"..said the maid

What happened though Star....well that's none of her business.

As Star was done with her last bag, she decided to head back to her room.
As she walked outside, the cooled breeze welcomed her

Hmmmm, finally I will get some rest, she walked towards the maid's house quarters.

Star could feel something in the brush, she quickened her step but so did the creature,
Without knowing Star missed a step and fell to the ground

Ouch" Before she could stand up, she saw a big black wolf approaching her...out of fear she fainted immediately

Lucas pov

That's mate...I felt my heart beating so fast...

I followed her in the dark as she walked... but something doesn't seem right..why does she look so skinny,ohhh Beth I can see you have lived long enough.

She started running, I guess she noticed I was following her but, I can't lose her, I started walking faster, she trips and fall...when she sees me she fainted.

"Oh did I scare her," asked my wolf

"Of course you did"

I changed back to my human form and squat down to look at her.... she was so beautiful, but her skin is soo pale, and her body is covered in marks and bruises
who did this to our mate, my wolf growled

I have never felt so blood tasty before
I feel my blood boiling she looks so fragile and scared...
I hear footsteps, I turned to see Mark and the guards

"Your Highness"..Mark approach me as he handed me a robe to cover my naked body...I lifted her and carried her in my hands

"Mark, we are leaving now"...said Lucas he walked away with the guard and Mark.

Mark knew this was not the time to ask questions, because he already knew just by seeing Star's hands filled with scars and her lack of scent...

He knew all hell will soon break loose...

As they headed towards the car, Lucas carefully laid her in his arm as he sat in the car...

As he looked at her face, he couldn't bear how she looked. After all these years of looking for her...she was been going through a lot...

He knew she has been abused because of how weak her scent was, if it was any ordinary alpha, it would have been hard for them to detect her scent...

And the scars all over her hands and he knew there will be more beneath her cloth.
He could also smell the stench of iodine used to clean the fresh wounds that were yet to heal...

Lucas Wolf cried at the site of his mate like this...

But one thing Lucas promised is that he would break every hand that dared to touch what is his and make sure them experience pain worst than death...

creators thought

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pretty please...thanks...

vicious king and his innocent mate Where stories live. Discover now