Chapter 21: Pulpo

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"Moon, you never said anything about inviting Cobra Kai" Y/N says to her but she only shrugged

"Well, I figured with summer ending and school starting back up, we could stop all fighting and be friends again" Moon tells him and Sam scoffs

"It's wishful thinking" she says

"Sam, trust me, get rid of all this negative energy Clear your chakras and have some fun and that goes double for you Mister". She tells Y/N playfully poking his chest

"Of you excuse us and you guys enjoy the party and no fighting". He tells everyone before walking away with Moon

"Are you crazy" she whisper yells

"No I'm not crazy I'm just thinking outside the box"

"Well think back inside the box please, I mean Moon seriously cobra Kai out of all people and plus Tory.....TORY!!"

"look I get It it's not ideal but we can't hold grudges forever ya know like I told Sam we need to get rid of all this negative energy and just talk things out and get along with each other"

"Moon I-" Y/N tries to say

"Y/N just try please for me". She says with a smile

"Fine". He grumples making Moon smile and kisses his cheek

"Thanks you're the best" she tells him

"I try to be" he responds and the two Heard something break

"Ah shit my parents will kill me if anything important is broken..I'll go take care of that but you go enjoy the party okay?"

"Yeah sure" he says as she walks away and Y/N let's out a sigh

With Y/N a couple of minutes Later

Y/N getting something to drink when he saw a grown man walk up to the Little Cobra Kai kid Bert

"The life of the party has arrived. Whoo-hoo! Take a spin, babe. What's up, Bert?" He says as she spun the girl he brought around

"What's up, Stingray? Good to see you, buddy" Bert says

"Stingray, I thought we were going to your friend's house party" says the woman as she looks around to see nothing but teenagers

"Oh, yeah, these are my friends. Their parents are out of town" the man named stingray Said and stingray himself looked at Y/N

"Wait your Y/N right?" He asked

"Uh Yeah why?"

"Dude if you weren't a miyagi do I'd say we should totally handout". He says and Y/N stared at him then he realized

"Wait you're in cobra Kai?" Y/N asked

"Yes I am and I won the cyode Creek headband challenge" Stingray glotted

"Uh okay good for you.....imma walk away now". Y/N says taking his drink and walking outside


Y/N walked outside to see Tory winning some kind of drinking game and he saw Sam and Robby watching

"Winner and still champion, Tory!" Says a random teen

"Whoo! Yeah!" Tory yells as everyone else cheered with her and Tory sees Sam and smirks and walks up to them

"Well, look who it is. Maybe you'd like to play a little game? Or are tea parties more your speed, princess?" Tory says and Sam gives her a glare

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