Just Chilling, Nothing Special

Start from the beginning

A few minutes later, he arrived at Copenhagen. He parked his car and peeked through the glass windon of the family restaurant. "Huh, what's she doing here?" What he saw was Rin, Mimi, and a meek looking girl named Kusa. "I told her to bring friends sometime but I didn't expect this. Rin barely brings any friends at the restaurant, especially Mimi, what could have changed?

A Few Hours Ago

Rin Emiya stood in front of the school gates. It had been a day since she went shopping with her grandmother, it was tiring of course, but it was also surprisingly fun. It would be more fun if not for the weird looks that they got. It was understandable, Irisviel is a beautiful woman, the most beautiful she's ever seen.

The school girl took a single step and entered the premises of the school, she greeted the gate guard and proceeded to walk to her class, people greeted her on her way there as usual. Truly, Kazakura has one of the nicest student populations in the whole country.

A few minutes later, she arrived at her classroom. Fellow students were talking to eachother as usual, the typical pandemonium before class was expected. She looked to her right and saw her friend Mimi, the blonde girl was talking to the boys as usual, behind her was Kusa, a meek girl with whose whole thing is being good at videogames. Come to think of it, last time she invited her to play Smash Bros. at home she was utterly destroyed.

"Yo, Emi-chan!" Mimi greeted when she noticed Rin. "Woke up early today, huh."" The gyaru remarked.

"Good morning, Mimi." She greeted back. Rin then turned her gaze to her other friend. "How's Sir Alonne?" She asked Kusa, who was playing on her Steam Deck.

"Shitty hitboxes as always, how the hell did this get pass playtest?" Kusa remarked, her friend has been stuck with that boss for days. "I know he's optional but still."

"Heh? That's just Dark Souls 2 being Dark Souls 2." Rin replied, sure she's not really an avid gamer but she knows enough to not be lost in the conversation. Well... she's beaten Dark Souls 2 twice on New Game Plus so that says something.

The young girl sat down in her usual seat. In front of Mimi, at the middle of the room. "Hey, did you know about-!?"

Before she could speak even further. She was interrupted. The door opened as their teacher arrived at the scene. "Settle down class, we're starting." The teacher said.

"Haaaaii..." Her classmates answered in unison as they all sat down to their proper seats.

A few hours later, the students come to the cafeteria for lunchbreak. Mimi, Rin, and Kusa sat at the same table, Kusa almost let her food fall off the table because her face is pretty much glued to the screen.

Meanwhile, Rin opened the lunchbox that her father has prepared. Mimi looked at the food in utter disdain. 'Why is she looking at me like that?' Rin thought, confused.

"Y'know... I still can't over the fact that your Dad can cook." Mimi spoke before Rin could even utter a question. "That big hunk of a man having such... unfitting profession. I would expect him to have something like a hired bodyguard. Hell, working at the local yakuza sounded more possible."

"Or NTRing the local hot married woman." Kusa suddenly interjected. "I mean he certainly got the looks." The girl shrugged.

Rin's brow twitched in irritation. "Ew no!" Shirou Emiya is a strict but dignified man, besides, he did work at the local yakuza when he was younger, but that's just because he's a good person doing mechanic work.

"Nahh, he won't do it. My mum comes for him for cooking lessons." Mimi rebutted. "Now back to the topic, why can your dad like, cook really REALLY well? You said he didn't go to any culinary schools."

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